
Any holiday tips?

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I'm traveling on holiday tomorrow, and that means I'm obviously not going to be attending my intense swimming lessons anymore...

Let's say that the place that I'm staying in during my travels DOESN'T have a pool... How can I be able to maintain my water fitness?

Any suggestions would be really helpful! Thanks so much!




  1. Cardio work like running or walking would be good.  If you have some exercise tubing you can work the same muscles you would in the pool by doing repeats or timed length exercises using the pull of each stroke (be careful on the recovery, you want to keep it controled).  You don't need much room and you can find a place to hook the tubing almost anywhere.  You could also do some isolated shoulder and back exercises which would help you stay injury free when you get back in the water.

  2. Check and see if there's a Y or some other place with a pool near where you'll be.  If there isn't , try to get some other form of aerobic/cardio exercise, like jogging.
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