
Any home remeddy for fever my kid hates medicine thx to all?

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Any home remeddy for fever my kid hates medicine thx to all?




  1. Cool {not cold} baths & showers, and if the fever is high, fool the child.  Ask a pharmacist for sure, but I believe the children's Tylenol & Advil medicines are usually chewable, so they can be added to food.  Like, pudding or applesauce.  The child gets the medicine & you get a good nights sleep.  We also bought EVERY brand...telling our child "you might like this one !!" was forgotten which of the 6 different kids had been given the next time & we were able to do this for a few days.  Then it was the pudding.  Good Luck !!

  2. Our pediatrician says there's no need to treat a child's fever under 102 unless the kid is very uncomfortable or there's a history of febrile seizure.

    Good home care for fever includes:

    Hydration: offer your child liquids in every form: ice, soup, popsicles, Gatorade, Pedialyte, water, Jello...whatever he'll take.

    Dressing in light layers: you want to be able to add one when he's chilled, but strip them away when he's hot.

    Warm, shallow baths: You DO NOT want to induce shivering. Put him in a warm bath and wet his head and chest. The evaporation will help to reduce body temperature. Never, ever use rubbing alcohol in a bath.

    You also don't say how old your child is? Motrin is a better fever reducer than Tylenol, and it lasts longer. It comes in a few flavors. Maybe he'll take one? If not, and you really feel you must treat the fever instead of waiting it out, there are always suppositories. Bet that will make him more likely to take meds by mouth next time!  :)

  3. im sorry but hating medicine is no excuse for not treating your child when he/she is sick. if they need it they need it.simple as that, sometimes you have to be creative and get to to take it and sometimes  they have to almost be forced.whatever it takes, shy of abusing,beating, or harming them to get them to take it has to be done

    that said. ive always been told to rub their feet down with rubbing alcohol. if its really high you need to do ibuprofen then tylenol, every two hours.

  4. Honestly, if you kid hates medicine, he/she needs to get over it. Medicine is good for him/her, and he/she is gonna have to learn to take it eventually.

  5. Sleep.  I never took medicine for fever.  If it is necessary, then too bad.  A spoonful of sugar maybe?  I think sleep will work and if the temperature is too high, then you have to take them to the hospital.

  6. make him/her take baths and shower often to cool down. wear light clothing and rub ice on him/her often. give them popsicles and drink lots of fluids.

  7. Depends on how high the fever is... If it is under 102, just let it run its course....

    (fever is the reaction the body has to fighting infection, let the body do its thing as long as its not endangering the child)

    If its over 102.... medication is better then brain damage.

  8. use cotton ball with alcohol rub all over the body

    cool baths

    no major clothes on body

  9. My daughter hated the taste of any medicine but when she had a fever I had to think of something quick so i called my sister who is a nurse and she told me to give her the childrens ( not infants) Tylenol suppositories. Worked like a charm! My daughter didn't even feel when it was being inserted and her fever dissapeared.

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