
Any horse riders/owners out there that have there eyebrow pierced?wondering if the helmet gets in the way?

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Any horse riders/owners out there that have there eyebrow pierced?wondering if the helmet gets in the way?




  1. i had an eyebrow ring for 3 years and rode with it in. the helmet never bothered it. h**l i even wore it in my hunter shows LOL. i only had to take it out because i started waitressing for a while a couple years ago.

    the only hard part with  it i found is that a lot of the dust and dirt from the barn gets in there, so make sure when you come home from the barn that you clean it really well in the shower.  

  2. i don't have my eyebrow pierced but i wouldn't do it because if your horse rears the horse might hit you if it doen't have a breast plate it will reall hurt!!!

  3. if your helmet fits correctly then it shouldnt be that far down on your face. . . least in my opinion and how i was taught.  you sorta want the helmet to be out of your face and not down over your eyes. . . easier to ride when ya can see. i dont have an eyebrow piercing yet, but i dont for see it being a problem b/c i know my helmet/any helmet i buy will fit properly.

  4. yes it does my sister had her's pierced and ended up having to let is close up because it would get caught under the helmet at times.

    -wtf u wanted to know the truth so how can u put a thumbs down to the ppl who say no...if u want it that bad then it shouldnt matter what ppl say on here

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