
Any house wife home Alone?

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do you ever regret marriage, I mean i love my husband but i never see him.

What do you do to pass the time? I bake




  1. I did a lot of crafts for my kids.  Knitting their sweaters, crocheting their afghans, making their clothes, baking and canning our food from the garden.  My ex was never around either and didn't want me to have anything to do with any one else for fear they would hear what an A&& h was.  Are you sure he loves you?  Is he working all this time or is he out socializing and leaving you home alone with the kids?

  2. Goodness! Marriage turns us girls into bored Betty Crocker wanna bees.. baking, doing crafts..sewing clothes!  Yeah, I'll be honest, I do regret marriage sometimes. I love my husband but at least if we were just living in sin, Maybe he wouldn't have expected me to morf into his new- Mom/Caretaker/s*x machine object that rarely does anything for Herself. Just my rancid opinion though.  

  3. Well, i'll answer this even if i'm not married.

    No, I wouldn't regret marriage.

    I would probably bake as well, or call up some of my girlfriends and hang out.

    I'm pretty sure I won't be alone in this, if not, then i'll just go out on my own!

  4. Well, my husband works long hours.  He used to come home for lunch but his boss got on him for taking too long of lunch breaks.  So now he doesn't.  Anywho, I have a 6 month old daughter who takes up most of my time.  But I like to bake as well.  And I also spend a lot of time on the internet.  Ask questions on here.  It gives me something to look forward to!

  5. Sorry Betty babe. I blame Snizz, she always gets me in trouble and she's a bad influence on me.

    I always come back to you though, remember last night...?

  6. *sighs* i understand what you're going through..

    find a toyboy...

  7. I read, bake, sew, visit friends, clean house. Find a hobby or go back to school. But I dont regret my marriage for those reasons.

  8. what the hairy h**l is going on here??

    I don't even talk to Kev...

    who's Kev?????

    I'm cleaning OMG WHY DON'T I HAVE A MAID???????

  9. no i do not regret marriage and i have been a stay home wifey 4 almost 2 years i do regret having my OWN!!!!money but other than that i'm pretty much ok. i dont bake as much as the other ladies but i do cook my a$$ off though ihave a 3yr old and a 6 month old that takes up most of my day.

  10. no, i love my hubby, i dont regret marrying him

    alone time is Me time, i do things like read, or play on my computer, or shop...

  11. My husband is gone a lot for work, and sometimes it bothers me.  When it does though I remind myself why he is doing it. He's doing it for both of us and our kids. He works hard so that I CAN stay home with our kids, and we can live the lifestyle he wants to give us. Young men in particular have to do this. They have to work to prove themselves and get ahead. Life WILL calm down eventually, but right now....its still on the upward climb.  

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