
Any idea's for classes teens. Homeschooling teens.?

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ANyone have any idea's for a teen class. We are all homeschooled and of different ages. All teens. DO you have any good Idea's for a fun and maybe somewhat educational class for us to take. Anything. My mom is going to be the teacher. last year we did trivia for all kind's of thing.

year before that we did improve. Anything that will beat that? Some fun!




  1. I'm a home-educated 15 year old and I'm learning to fly. I'm also doing the veterinary medicine course. Have you tried looking at your hobbies and interests and seeing what's available to fit in with what you already enjoy?

    btw, you do *not* need an apostrophe in plural words (ideas, not idea's; kinds, not kind's); it is only contractions and possessives that have an apostrophe.

  2. We did a Rube Goldberg class for pre-teen and teens this year at co-op and it was great fun.  We competed locally.

    This year my son will be on an Exploravision team:

    The teens at our co-op LOVE drama class.  We also have cooking, sewing, guitar, karate, photography, journalism, Math Counts, Art of Problem Solving, and more.

    How about a biology lab?  A geography study like "Mapping the World by Heart" or "Around the World in 180 Days"?

    What about making a yearbook or student newspaper?  Along with it you could learn photojournalism, composition, art layout, etc.

  3. Web design?  

    Or costuming for plays?  Period plays and Shakespearean and other eras.  

    Or Paper Making and scrapbooking?  

    Getting "greener" by changing home habits (shorter showers, less TV, 'buy nothing this month', and chart the progress with bills and spending.  Good book for teens is "It's Easy Being Green' by emma sleeth, herself a teen.

    Or organic gardening?

    Or shut-in visitations

    Or "Make your own ________ out of second hand clothing."

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