
Any idea about how to cope with work and two boys who don't seem to see the need to do their homework?

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Any idea about how to cope with work and two boys who don't seem to see the need to do their homework?




  1. Post a simple calendar on the refridgerator.  Tell your boys that once all homework is done they can check off that day.  Then explain to them that if they get 10 days (or anytime period you choose) checked off they get to choose a movie/video game to rent on the weekend.  Tell them part of the deal is though in order to earn the check you shouldn't have to remind them more than once each day to get busy.  If you have to keep on them until they get it done, you get to put a X for that day and although they still have to do the homework, it cannot be changed into a check.

    Whatever you try to do just make sure to add something in your plan that keeps you from having to stay on them and puts the responsibilty on them.

  2. First question is why they don't like their homework. Is it too easy , too hard? I sit at the table with my son, and pay my bills, sort my agenda, write letters (do my homework). Before dinner works for us.

    If it's really a problem, then try limiting computer/video games/ other media to weekends only. They might not believe it at first but if you stick to it they will get used to it in a few weeks. It's almost impossible to do any real thinking after watching tv (I sold mine at age 20).

  3. hmm, I probably won't be much help myself (am sahm to 3 ages 14 (boy), 6 (boy), & 15 months (girl)

    My kids schools have a after school program, I believe its called "STAR", I don't believe it costs much, but they help kids with homework and have activities for them. Maybe check with their school?

    Or for better advice than mine, try:

    (it's free, and all mothers and grandmothers)

    I sometimes get advice there myself when I am at a loss.

    Sorry I wasn't much help, hopefully the mom's on that web site can help. Good luck! :)

  4. Perhaps someone can question them on the homework like an hour before bedtime or some other set time. Dunno if you have that time, but anyone with some grasp of what they're reading will do. If they fail they spend their last hour up reading the homework where you can see them, otherwise they can do what they want.

    Testresults give a small bonus somehow - maybe an extra hour up one day or they choose what channel to watch or something that they enjoy and gives them relaxation.

    Not all homework is important however - only the grades are - so if you can find alternative ways of getting them to learn stuff that's also acceptable. for example might be a better start to read than most litterature texts. When they have that as base, the rest will be cake. It can also help you before you interrogate them.

    Try to avoid forcing it on them and seek alternative ways of teaching if they don't understand or are uninterested.

  5. Simple punishments, and keeping your word. You set up weekly progress reports and/or get an agenda and have them write down every homework assignment in the agenda everyday. Have the teacher sign off on the agenda when assignments are completed.

    If the book is not signed and they didnt complete thier homework, No TV, Games and especially no outside or friends over.

    Dont beat around the bush. Just do it and stick to the punishments. Miss a homework assignment, grounded for the weekend!

  6. No computer,T.V.,friends over.

    No going out side,No radio

    Now they have nothing to do.

    Homework ?

    Hope you get it an answer to your question,somewhere.

    You can't starve,or tie them up in a corner.And you can't thrash them with a switch/belt darn it.

    What's wrong with the kids these days?

  7. No homework, no play.

    Turn off the tv or sell it.

    And no video games. No cell phones.

    Stay home on weekends.

    Thats a start. Just don't back down or get excited, and they will know you mean it.

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