
Any idea of going out of space to another galaxy??

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i want to leave this world & want to play football in pluto will u join me!!!!????




  1. Glass forms a solid crystal by longer time than the expectation of birth of the Big Bang1  galaxies.

    What do you think how many Big Bang hypermass exists in the infinite of vaacum?

  2. How is the question connected to your description?

    BTW I would gladly join you.

    But I don't like football =(

    We can have a picnic with frozen food instead, right before we freeze ourselves.

    If we don't suffocate first. Or run out of fuel and never even reach Pluto.

    Sounds tempting?

    P.S.: Spazzy I think the question is to play INSIDE of Pluto. I think we need to get our drills...

  3. It would take thousands of years with our current technology to get to our nearest neighbor, Proxima Centauri.  It would take eons to get to the nearest galaxy.  Faster than light travel, which would be necessary, is probably impossible.

  4. Um...I think first, we need to get to another planet before we go to another galaxy.

    Also, about the football thing, I really don't want to do it in Pluto (if you get what I mean...brrrr).

  5. I heard that football games on Pluto get really cold... About -372 F degrees. That's cold so make sure you're bundled up with that good under armor! The hot dogs would be tough to eat... We will just have to eat ice cream. No beer, but I'm sure we will manage. The Sun isn't very bright on Pluto so we are going to need some really good lights in the stands and on the field.

    Lets call our team "The Plutoniums"!

    I bet you could kick a hundred yard field goal easy!

    I'll join you! I'm totally ready!

  6. SURE! Just hop on top of my Cosmic War Horse Pegasus! Ive already got the field set up on Pluto! Ive just been waiting for someone to post this very question to find players! =)

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