
Any idea of the best shoes for sight seeing / touring ?

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My wife and I will tour Iraly for two weeks and think we will be sight seeing / walking as much a 10 - 12 hours a day. For usual sight seeing , we wear sneakers but for this extended period of walking we wonder if experienced tourists choose a certain type or brand of shoe for comfort, allowing support for extended walking




  1. i have always found that New Balance are the most comfortable shoes. I walked around Europe in my Pumas but they were on no comparison to the comfort level felt with New Balance (my feet are kind of wide though)

  2. You can look for mountain boots, but go for the light kind.

    Fit them in a good store and if you are not sure, do not buy them.

    Good mountain boots are very comfy and feel like normal shoes while walking.

    But bring your sneakers too. You may want to change between shoes depending on the activities of the day.

    Best bring a pair of light shoes, slippers or flip flops for changing into at night.

    Nobody can tell you which brand of shoes is best for you, as it depends so much on your feet. You have to get good fitting shoes.

    Rather cheap but good fitting shoes are better than the most expensive ones that do not fit right.

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