
Any idea to make the color of a cell phone look worn out?

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i have a used worn out blackberry pearl, it kinda looks like a really really dark gray

recently i just bought a new back door to it and it was new

now it looks weird because its a pitch black back cover with a used phone . any ideas to make the pitch black to look worn out?




  1. rub it against a cloth.  it might take some color off.  DON'T use anything abrasive.  that'll just scratch it.  it'll take some time to do, though.

  2. Use nail polish remover and rub it gently but dont rub it too much the whole paint will come off.

  3. Scrape it on sand paper then wipe a little olive oil on it.

  4. It would look much better if you just bought a new front cover thing. Then instead of it looking it all old, and you purposely making it that way, it can look new and nice.

    It would look so much better.

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