
Any idea what Gaia's new monthly collectables are going to be?

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These were the hints given to us by Ron Bruise.

I think the first one is Kansas but I don't know.

There were a couple of songs in the 90s called "In the Meantime." This band made one of 'em.

One of Courtney Love's highest-charting singles.

Ian Brown of the Stone Roses earned a distinctive nickname due to his peculiar style of dancing.

A dude with twin Mohawks brought electronic music to the mainstream with this track.

This track is the most annoying hit by one of Ireland's most annoying pop-rock groups.

When you STOP, it means one of two things: either collaborate and listen or something else.

One last hint: these items have nothing to do with music.




  1. "When you STOP, it means one of two things: either collaborate and listen or something else."

    l'm not sure what the item will be, but l do know that there is song that says, "Stop! ln the name of love. Before you break my heart." ^^;;;; Hope that helps. l really can't wait for the new items. This is going to be so cool!!! l love the 15th of each month. XDDD

  2. Wasn't Ian Brown's nickname also "Admiral Ackbar"? I doubt it will be another monkey item. I am guessing it has something to do with ships, pirates or anything related to Admiral. Since it's a big thing with Europe, not to mention Europe exploded in the 90s music genre.


    OH NO!!!

    We already have a monkey and a but load of fiery objects, although who could ever have enough fire. Really, you can never trust an avatar made to be an a*****e, so let's all beg Lanzer, L0cke and VO to leave Vanilla Ice out of it. He made poor Freddie Mercury roll over in his grave in agony. He never should have done that to the intro of "Under Pressure". The barstard.

    Anyway, it's probably some sort of fire helmet and another primate of some sort. Possibly with a crown.

  4. hey guys on the front page on the slide show, it has a picture of a head with 3 things sticking out of it, one at a 90 degree angle, and 2 at around 45 degrees. I bet the first one will b a helmet with mohawks on it. i bet there is going 2 b a gorilla suit. i bet there are going to be fire items. i bet there will b new weapons. i bet the fire starter is a lighter or sumthing that catches u on fire

    ya im THAT smart

    visit my pro

    my sn is blackpyrofire

  5. Everyone keeps saying mentioning MC Hammer for #6, but it was Vanilla Ice that did that song.

    I'm guessing that the items probably have to do with weapons and armor to the theme of fire and/or ice.

    GO name: la Demon Verte

  6. I think the band for "in the meantime" was Spacehog...idk, it sounds like something the admins would use.


    [that's all I could figure out]

    Gaia: Puff The Magic Chocobo

  7. i dont know but do you have a gaiaonline and wha is it

  8. 1. Helmet

    2. My guess is motorcycle (not highest selling, but it exists XD)

    3. Monkey

    4. NO IDEA.

    5. NO IDEA.

    6. Hammer

    Hope that helped! :)

  9. Actually the first one is a helmet.

  10. It's gonna have to do with space, or something like that, space helmet?, but that's only one item, I'm not sure what the other would be.

  11. Six is definitely a Hammer.

    It says 'one of two things' and they brought up Vanilla Ice as one with "collaborate and listen", the other things listed here besides Hammer don't make any sense in comparison.  Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer were two rap artist that came out at about the same time and competed for the same audience.  So, when you STOP, it means either "collaborate and listen" or "hammer time".

    And let's not forget Babydoll by Hole.  That could be Courtney Love's hit.

    Oh and Taliny Frost, Freddy Mercury died a whole year after Ice Ice Baby was released.  Though he hadn't payed them initially for the sampling, he did so without a lawsuit being filed and he retroactively gave songwriting credit to Queen and Bowie.  So Mercury couldn't have turned in his grave, and also got a nice royalty paycheck from Ice right before checking out.

  12. Here's my guesses:

    1. Hades - has to do with fire

    2. Mono - has to do with a monkey

    3. King Monkey - has to do with a monkey

    4. Firestarter - has to do with fire

    5. Not sure yet

    6. Stop, Drop, and Roll - has to do with fire

    So one has to do with fire, one has to do with a monkey, that's my guess.

    feel free to message me on YIM with this username

  13. I'd guess the annoying song would be "Breathless" by the Corrs

    I think we're looking at a fire and ice helmet which may include breathing fire or ice.

  14. come one people

    stop collaborate and listen

    is so vanilla ice

    stop collaborate and listen ice is back with a brand new invention?


    new collectible?

    new invention?

  15. Well Ian's Nickname was King Monkey. Courtney Love? The single is called Mono. So that's as far as I got! LOL ... I hope it is something I like and can use?!?!?!?!

  16. Courtney Love - Doll Parts


  17. I looked up Ian Browns nickname on Google...It said it was kind monkey...

    Maybe a monkey plushie?

    (side-note...If you wanna talk to me on gaia, my name is gibbons ugof)

  18. kay, so i think 1) has gotta be spacehog or helmet,

    2)celebrity skin was her biggest single in the 90s

    3)monkey king, but everyone knows that already


    5)i suspect it might be tubthumper, personally

    and 6)come on, stop was a spicegirl's song...

    you gotta remember, the theme is 90s music trivia.  emphasis on the 90s

  19. Hades Fire

    Something ice

  20. Helmet. So its a headgear...???

    Mono = Monarch? Crown?

    King Monkey? = So a King? A crown? XD

    Meh, Prodigy = Firestarter

    I'm thinking Cranberries - Zombie >_>

    Stop...looking at me like that? >_>

  21. everyone got the others so I will put in my 2 cents on hint 5 and 6

    5. I think it has somethign to do with the band US, don't listen to them so I don't know thier songs.

    6. now this one, I am ashamed to say, I think is about Vanilla Ice. The lyrics are from Ice, ice baby >.<

  22. 1. All of these artists had songs with that title (listed in order of relevance to the clues given):

    Helmet - Space Hogs - Mary J Blige - Aaron Sprinkle  - John Hiatt

    A helmet is feasible... possibly some sort of space helmet would be a decent culmination of the two. The others pretty much are irrelevant.

    2. Song titles and slot they reached on the charts: Celebrity Skin (1)  Doll Parts (4)  (Sidenote: mono only reached 18)

    3. King Monkey or Admiral Ackbar

    Combined, numbers 2 and 3 lend themselves to the following: King Kong was a "celebrity monkey" and was actually a gorilla...

    4. Keith Flint of "The Prodigy" - Firestarter -

    Not sure how this ties in with space, a space helmet or gorillas but could be a different item all together not related to either above. Although, King Kong was shot down off the Empire State Building by a lot of firepower, so who knows?

    5. U2 - Elevation: "I’ve got no self control, Been living like a mole now/ Going down, excavation/ High and high in the sky/ You make me feel like I can fly/ So high, Elevation"

    Not sure if this is an entirely correct answer, but King Kong did climb to the top of the Empire State building, which is a pretty high elevation, so again, we have a link.

    6. Ice Ice Baby- Ice is back... or Jane's Addiction Stop from 1990.

    They said stop could be... OR which makes me think Vanilla Ice has nothing to do with it, tho the next line is "Ice is back..." which could mean they are bringing in another ice item to go with the whip and the ice block head thingy.

    Jane's Addiction goes back to the monkey/gorilla link as there was Tarzan and Jane... Tarzan was King of the jungle and was known as Tarzan the Ape Man.

    Possibly, there are going to be jungle items... there is a huge monkey theme going on here:

    Celebrity Monkey

    King Kong


    Tarzan the Ape Man

    hanging out up high and shot down in flames....

    That's my guess.

  23. I thought it was Spacehog for the first one, but I guess it could be helmet.

    The second I believed was Mono, which might mean monochrome... something. There was also a song called 'fly' in that single, so maybe more wings?

    King Monkey was third, though we already have Momo the monkey. My guess is that it's gorilla related.

    Firestarter for the next two questions.

    I have no clue for the 5th, but I'll have to go with Hammer, though we have an event item from the wrestling guests that include a hammer.

    All in all I believe we'll get more weapons. That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it! (unless someone else has a more plausible one) o_O

  24. Well, currently the most annoying pop-rock band from Ireland is Snow Patrol, but none of their song titles really lend themselves to an item.

  25. I was thinking that the first one was space hog, but helmet sounds about right too.

    Number 5 though...definitely a U2 song. Which one? I have no idea.

  26. - A rock group called Spacehog had a song entitled "In the Meantime", and they were a 90's band. So... a space pig? o.O Probably... they'd do that, wouldn't they? XD

    - Courtney Love's song "Mono" made it on the top-scoring singles of all time list, so maybe there's something there about getting sick? Or turning your avi black and white?

    - Ian Brown's nickname was King Monkey. Self-explanatory

    - COMPLETELY stumped on this one >.<

    - I THINK they had a song called "Spoon"... can't remember

    - Aaaand no clue on the last one, either! ^^;;;

  27. Hey there, I got the whole monkey thing, and courtney's one also.. But I can't seem to get any other ones yet.. I'm Googling like crazy hehe.. If anyone wants to add me on Gaia, feel free to:

    Sw33tie916 is my screen name. :)

  28. The first one is 'Helmet'. Helmet wrote 'In the Meantime'

    I'm working on the other ones...allegedly, Ian Browns nickname was 'King Monkey'...maybe a Donkey Kong thing?

    I'll post more later as I figure 'em out.


    anybody get it? best EMAIL EVER!!

  29. 1.) "In the Meantime" - this item has to be some kind of a Helmet because a band called Helmet sang a song called that.

    2.) "Ian Brown" - As said by someone else his name was King Monkey, so I'm going to guess a monkey is this item.

    3.) Twin Mowhawks- this would be Kieth Flint of the Prodigy, and the single he first sang on was "Firestarter" so this item has to be something to do with fire?

    I haven't figured out anything for the other items. I'm on Gaia so I'm going to be trying to figure this out too.

  30. 4. I think we might be fire breathers?

    idk know anything else... its like 4 in the morning :[

  31. i love how i was just searching around trying to find the answers for these hints and this showed up in my google

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