
Any idea what Quinns Rock is like (north of Perth, Austrailia).Am looking to emigrate with 2 kids age 5 & 12?

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Any idea what Quinns Rock is like (north of Perth, Austrailia).Am looking to emigrate with 2 kids age 5 & 12?




  1. pretty boring n its not to close to the city. but i mean by perth standards lol.

  2. It's OK.  Not much to do there really but it does at least have a beach.

  3. If you're from the UK, you'll feel like you never left.  There are lots of UK folk living around there.

    It's about 30-40 mins drive into the city on the weekend, closer to 60-90 mins during peak hour.

    Nice beaches.

    Reasonable shopping centres nearby with cinemas etc (Joondalup, Clarkson, Whitfords).  New-ish schools.

  4. Dude, I just had a friend return from Australia after emigrating with her family. She'd never visited the place she moved to and ended up hating it. I recommend you go have a look yourself and make your own mind up.

  5. Dunno about Quinn's Rock. My kids dad moved to Carabooda which is up that way, all his family are out there now so it must be pretty good, there's 13 of 'em gone and all live near Perth.

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