
Any idea what is going on?

by  |  earlier

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I tried asking this yesterday, and got nothing but crude comments, so I'm going to try and word this differently. Here is what's been going on. For 6 weeks now, I have a bad cough. Usually I am fine through the day, but when I lay down for bed, and get up in the morning, it gets really bad. About 2 weeks into the coughing, my ears plugged up. Two days later I went to the doctor. Since I go through the clinic here, and needed to get in quickly, I saw a different doctor than usual. She gave me nasal spray to help drain the fluids in my ears (which did help), and a script for Robitussin with Codeine, although I was not able to pick it up (my medicaid did not cover it, and I had no cash on me at the time). Yesterday, I started getting a funny smell...I have no idea how to describe it. Normally the kind of smell you get when you're getting/have a cold?

I've taken Nyquil (generic brand tho) before bed every night, but it doesn't seem to be helping anymore. I'm up all hours of the night, and over the past 6 weeks I have lost tons of sleep.

My sinuses have also started acting up lately, which I'm thinking could be due to my seasonal allergies. It's been hot during the day, and very cool at night (80s daytime, 50s night).

The doctor told me I don't have a URI, but why isn't the cough going away? And could the smell/sinuses just be allergies, or could it be connected?

I drink tons of water - usually 2-5 bottles in a day, and orange juice when I can (have acid reflux). Any ideas? I could sure use some doctor's not giving me much to work with here (and yes, I plan on going back to see my regular doctor).

Any help is greatly appreciated...




  1. try a homemade chicken has been scientifically proven to contain a chemical that helps fight cold/flue virus.

    Once I had a cold for like 3 months, and medicine didn't help. maybe your cold/flu is evolving into something else...what's that disease called when you leave a cold untreated and it becomes something worse?

    you can take the codeine...but man that stuff can be dangerous.

    try chicken soup 'till you can see your doctor :P

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