
Any idea what shipping would be for something from sweden to us?

by Guest66872  |  earlier

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I wanna order a jersey from sweden and the price isn't much but I'm not sure about what shipping will be. Any idea how much? Would it be cheaper to have it shipped to someone in Sweden and have them mail it over here?




  1. Why don't you just ask the seller?

    What does eBay have to do with anything? Okay, I'll put it in other terms: ask the site's support.

  2. Invite your Gramma over for a visit and have her wear it on the flight....FREE'll just have to pay for Granny's ticket.

  3. Ask Bob Gainey to pick it up on his way back from visiting Mats.

  4. It depends on a few things.


    package size

    where you are shipping to

    Try this link and calculate it

  5. go standard rate you should be fine..... clothes are not to heavey I think they go by the weight of the package.... But if it is a company they should have a standard rate plan you can choose....

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