
Any idea why i have random hip pain on both sides?

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For the past couple of years randomly i get sharp pain in my hips. It seems to hurt the most next to my tail bone in my hips. It usually starts out as a small pain but as the day goes on it turns into a sharp pain which makes it almost unbearable to walk. When i get home i rest and that usually helps the pain but it always seems to take up to 3-4 days to go back to normal. This happens frequently to both sides, at least once a week now. If its not the left side its the right side. I played Basketball and Football in junior leagues and in high school but never had pain like this. i cant explain it but when they don't hurt i can have a normal day i can run walk bend and do basically anything. But i take it day to day now with the pain because it seems to just start up and then turns into 3 to 4 days of pain. if anyone has any ideas on what it could be id really appreciate it.




  1. Look at this , it may help you find out what causes the pain  

  2. I have the same thing and it's been going on for about 3 yrs.  See an orthopedist.  Mine gave me a shot in the tailbone area and that helped.

  3. Your body is not producing the right vitamins to stop that from happening. I think Calcium is right for that. Try taking supplements and eating and drinking anything with lots of calcium. Also drink lots of water! that cures almost anything

  4. Humid weather could be aggravating the situation.

    Do not hesitate, see an orthopedist doc who specializes in hips for x-rays and a MRI.  Your cartilage could be wearing causing a bone-on-bone pain (arthritis) or osteoporsis.  

    Be sure you are eating high calcium foods (yogurt, leafy greens, broccoli, almonds, etc.) and, according to your age, the appropriate mg's of calcium citrate supplements.

    Have you tried Motrin?

  5. What you're describing sounds exactly what a friend of mine experienced. After a visit to her doctor, they discovered that there was a nerve near her hips that was working it's way out of place and that she needed weekly massages to work it back into place. She says the massages are not painful and provide a great deal of relief.

    Good luck to you!

  6. 1] how much do you weigh?

    Losing weight if you are outside recommended guidelines nearly always helps hip pain.

    2] how old are you?

    Age does increase your chance of having arthritis/bursitis/etc.

    3] do you get any regular exercise?

    Low impact regular exercise [ walking, swimming, biking ] and losing weight  has helped my hip pain tremendously - they used to hurt ALL the time - sometimes so I couldn't sleep, and had extreme difficulty getting up stairs.

    4] If none of above apply to you, see a doctor - you shouldn't be that uncomfortable.

    Other options;

    5] chiropractor

    6] therapeutic massage

    7] yoga [ stretching ]

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