
Any ideas? I have a virus on my computer and need to purchase new protection as well...?

by  |  earlier

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Any ideas? I have a virus on my computer and need to purchase new protection as well...?




  1. Norton 360.

    When you load it, it thoroughly checks and cleans your system.

  2. Hello Elizabeth, You need to always keep a antivirus program on your computer as it protect the computer from all types of viruses. You can purchase a antivirus program software cd from your local store or even on line, or you can install one for Free. here is a link that you can click on to install grisoft avg and it is free ( and look for the free version at their site. This will give you some protection until you either want to buy something better or continually use this one as it is good. Once you install avg run a scan right away and set the settings to scan automatically that way you want have to worry about remembering to scan ok. also run a scan at least once a week, by doing this it will keep up with the new security updates and keep your computer protected from viruses.. I have Norton Internet Security and it is real good, but Nortons 360 is better, they all does the same thing it just that one might offer you more protection than others.  Good Luck now get that computer under protection right away ok.

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