
Any ideas and reaction about global warming?

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what is its effects? what causes it? and what might be a solution for it?




  1. Effects - An increased global temperature causes ice sheets to melt. The melted ice (water) flows into the world's oceans, raising the sea level. This causes flooding. Many organisms will not be able to cope with a increased temperatures. As a result, many species will become extinct.

    Causes - By measuring ice core samples, scientists have found that throughout the Earth's history, it has undergone periods of cooling and warming. However, this period of warming is much more significant than previous periods of warming. This is the result of human influence on the environment. We burn fossil fuels, releasing gases into the atmosphere. These gases bond with oxygen atoms. Normally, these oxygen atoms bond with other oxygen atoms. This forms the ozone layer. It keeps many of the sun's rays from reaching the Earth. When the gases bond with these oxygen atoms, the ozone layer is no longer able to block as many of the sun's rays. As a result, more of the sun's rays reach the Earth, raising the temperature. Carbon compounds in the atmosphere (released by human actions) act as a greenhouse - the sun's rays and warmth can get in, but very few can get out.

    Solution - Immediate action. A mass transition from coal and other fossil fuels to electric and solar energy. If action is not taken immediately, this planet will never be the same.  

  2. Yeah, only 550 years till the next Ice Age.

  3. There are multiple causes of the current apparent global warming event.  It began in the 19th century, well before large increases in CO2 emissions, so fossil fuel use is evidently not the cause (although it's likely that fossil fuel use is speeding it up).  It's most likely to have started as a normal cyclical climatic variation.

    As far as the effects go, so long as it keeps getting warmer there will be further increases in sea level, forcing either evacuation of coastal cities or Herculean efforts to prevent flooding, gradual shifts in climate zones, both bad and good changes in areas that get temperate amounts of precipitation, and so forth.  However...

    It's more likely that the additional cloudiness due to increased seawater evaporation rates will cause the climate to cool again, and it may signal the onset of a new ice age.  There are examples of such things.  If you look for it you can find information about the "little ice age", and see that it was preceded by years of warming, then a few years of up and down temperature extremes.  It seems to me we may be in a period of up and down extremes.  So, dig out your winter clothes!!

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