I'm going to turn 15 in a couple of months, and I want to get started planning my party as soon as possible. I don't want to do the same old mall-movie-dinner-sleepover gig (i did that for 13th and 14th). Hopefully this will be a co-ed thing (hopefully...if i meet any guys in the first month of school -__-), so please help me pick out something age- and gender-appropriate. It's not my sweet 16, so i'm looking at a fairly modest budget of around $0-$130. I'm looking to invite around 15 people, not including myself.
My ideas:
-Quincinera (spelling?), but i'm not latina.
-Dinner at Hooters (but i'm a girl... o_0), Burger King, or this sushi buffet and midnight bowling (guests will have to pay for midnight bowling and restaurant...or is that rude?)
-Just a boring ol' house party, complete with the ice cream, cake, music, video games and pinata (i REALLY don't want this, it's my last resort)