
Any ideas for a cheap book center at a preschool?

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I need to help build a book center for $250 or less. I need 2 book shelves, and maybe a nice rug or some beanbags for the kids to be comfortable. Any suggestions on online stores or catalogs that are cheap? Thanks!




  1. Have a new book drive. Have each child buy their favorite book & donate it to the preschool. Maybe there could be a label placed inside: Donated by: Sally Smith. See if any parents are redecorating & have a comfortable chair, big floor pillows, or rugs. Make a "wish list" & see who has these items to donate. At this time of year have a book donation "in memory of or in honor of".  Place a label in each book saying this.I did this at a public library & had GREAT results! The bookshelves from Walmart, Target or Ikea would be nice, I am sure. I wish you the BEST!

  2. I built my classroom library at yard sales and thrift stores!  It's amazing how many great books you can find there... as well as rugs!  Also, sign up for scholastic.  You get $10 in free books per month plus free points to buy books from the orders your parents place.  The books are also cheap for personal shopping also.  

    Books shelves can be bought cheaply at wal-mart, or if you know a handyman they can be made easily.

    Also, many of my books were hand-me-downs from other teachers/parents.  In your classroom newsletter ask parents for books that they do not use anymore to put in your library.

  3. ~I have a ton of ideas for you as this is one of our learning centers in my classroom.

    1. We use milk crates, wire tied together at the top and bottom. If you go to the local grocery stores and tell them what your doing they will likely donate. Just make sure you stack them two crates high. Their also great because they can divide the area off from the rest of the room and make it like a little library.

    2. For the rug, and maybe bean bags chairs #1 send a note home to the parents explaning that you are creating a new learning area and would like to know if anyone is planning to get rid of this items, and if so you will take them. If not, check walmart and target.

    3. Do you participate w/ Scholastic online book clubs? They have a points program where you can earn furniture for free for the classroom. My class just recieved the cutest little glider couch. It would be perfect for a reading area. They also have a table and chairs and a bunch of other items.

    4. I think for the books I would check ebay, where you can buy them in lots and the shipping is supper cheap for media mail. That's the great thing about the crates, you can use them to store the books nicely and display them on the top.

    5. Another idea that I use is from the dollar tree. They sell contains there for $1.00 that come in various colors and sizes. I purchased several of these and we use them as our "book boxes" for our seasonl books and also anything paper back. The books clean-up well and the kids love the colorful containers.

    Good Luck!!  :0)

  4. A Small book shelf, some pillows and/or little mini recliner chairs. You can find them at Walmart. They got them for our kids in our prekindergarten room, and they love them.

  5. Half price books or resale shops. Garage sales. Book drive? Encourage parents to bring one or two books to donate to class.

  6. all of the prev ideas are great, but also ck with your local library maybe they have some extra or older equipment they are not using, ck teacher stores and yard sales, and thrift stores for books and other book center items(flannel boards, puppets, cuddly toys, rugs), abc school supply, scholastic(they always have good deals for teachers), and any other teacher sites

  7. there is a place called mill stores it is all real wood furniture ie~ bookcases, tabels,ect at i've bought there before great furniture. As  for rugs cheap building 19 or homegoods. Beanbag chairs oh yeah i just remembered all of it real cheap and good quality any ? just ask Good luck

  8. Hi there.  You could go to Ikea.  they have good stuff.  Check out Target.  Or Walmart.  The smaller shops might have more discounts during the big holidays too.  See your adds in the newspaper or Craigslist.  Be careful of what you buy.  Photos can be looking nice but sock you in the end!  So do the salesperson

    WATCH OUT...  Some places are nice.

    Keep in touch with your findings.


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