
Any ideas for a homemade Father's Day gift from an 8 year old girl?

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I would like to get some ideas that the girls in my Brownie troop could make for their fathers. Thanks so much!!




  1. I am having my girls make their daddy a t-shirt with their handprints on them and names. It might be a little too young for 8 yr olds. My girls are 5 1/2 and almost 3. Dad's always wear t-shirts. You could have them make a picture frame and put a picture of the girl with her dad inside.

  2. Wow! I've found some interesting scents/lotions/potions from Bath Junkie. There you can customize a scent ranging from a dirt scent to where it seems like he just being skiing to an imitation cologne.  

    check it out:


  3. I used to be a sparks leader and I loved this site.  Hope this helps!

  4. They could make homeade frames from sticks to put their daddy's pictures in.

  5. if you have a digital carmra, take pictures of each girls, print thim out, go outside on a "nature walk" and as your learning about nature safty, you can all be gathering leaves, twigs, moss and other things from the outdoors.  Then have the girls make a picture frm for their pictures and they can give it to there dads for fathers day, or they're grandfather, whoever takes care of that person.

    Have fun!

  6. Have them make a scrapbook of photos of them and their dads. It odes not have to be a huge scrapbook but they could buy it then bring it to the meeting and the girls would probly love devcorting it. I hope this helped.


  7. Silhouettes.

    Pair the girls up. Have one sit near a wall that has drawing paper taped to in and shine a light on the girl so that the shadow of her face appears on the wall.

    Have another girl trace the shadow outline of the face onto the paper with a pencil.

    Now they have a card to decorate!

  8. How about a homemade father's day card made from the heart.  An 8 year old would be able to make their own words on it and then include a picture of her and her daddy on the inside flap.

  9. They could make homemade frames and put a picture of them and their dad in it. He could take it in to work to show off or display it at home.

  10. um.... cards and paper ties with poems on them.

  11. A HOMEMADE CARD! or, go to Micheals!

  12. I saw this in a magazine. Stuff you will need: canning jar, ribbon, picture of child, goodies for jar, glue and Fathers Day stickers. Have the child put her dads favorite candy in the jar, like chocolates, hard candy or nuts. Cut enough ribbon to glue around the lid. Get the lid and lay down on picture. Get a knife and cut around the picture. Glue picture onto the lid and s***w on jar. Put sitcker on front of jar like World's Best Father, Father knows best and so forth. If you put nuts in the jar, make homemade sticker that says I'm nuts about you, if you cannot find one that already says that. Viola! Good luck!

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