
Any ideas for a motto for a group?

by Guest66939  |  earlier

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My drill team girls are 7 & 8. Our theme this year is racing/speed racer. We need to have a motto and a something cool we can call ourselves. I thought about calling the Team Parent's "The Pit Crew" what about the girls or Instructors. Any ideas to help us??





  1. Instructors---could be Crew Chiefs or Spotters

    Team---------"Checkered Flags"

    Just a suggestion

  2. MOTTO - refuse to lose......

  3. bababooy

  4. The Boogity Boogity Boogity's. NASCAR fans will get it. Darrell Waltrip always says at the start of the race "Boogity Boogity Boogity let's go racin boys" and it has become somewhat famous in NASCAR.

    I like the checkered flags how is that racial????? black and white flag?????? It's not like you are calling anyone black or white or anything like that.

    Just for the record the "Cat in the Hat" is NASCAR team owner Jack Roush. He always wears a straw hat of some sort.  

  5. Listen to Snake, he's got it right,.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  6. The instructors?

    How about ''The Cats in the Hat''

  7. they'd be cats in hats alright

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