
Any ideas for a nice vacation that one person can take for under $500?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about a week and my starting point is New York City.





  1. there are some cheap travels available. if your starting point is NY  go to this address first. On the upper left you'll see 'destinations' tab where you should click 'united states, here you can see the list of all states from Alabama to Wyoming. Right below Wyoming there is a form, here you choose "Youth Hostel" at the bottom row. wow... you can see now so many cheap hostel mostly less than $25/night from Alaska to West Virginia. Well, i think you can plan your nice vacation by choosing affordable hostel.

    If you can get to Australia here is the source

    Or perhaps to Indonesia click here

    All hostel less than $25/night

    see also here

    Have a nice vacation

  2. There is a website which has a travel page available, mentioning a travel company that is online.  You can book on line and also check out the site and it's tours that are available.  It has competitive prices and sounds really wonderful.  It is worth a really good look.  I believe there may be a few things worth checking into that are cheap and yet very fun.  It doesn't matter where your starting point is, at least I don't think it does.  Check out the website I list below, it even has links you can follow.

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