
Any ideas for a preschool learning activity?

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I'm taking Early Childhood Education and the preschoolers start their first day Thursday at my high school. I need a teaching activity by Friday. We're teaching them the Alphabet and the letter this week is "L". I need some sort of writing activity that I can teach to the children myself.

Have any ideas? I've been searching everywhere on preschool sites.




  1. Have you tried this site?  I find it very helpful.

    Hope it works for you.

  2. Here are 50 Ideas to Entertain your Preschooler - TV FREE and Educational . . . go to:

    Kristina G.

  3. You said preschool but what's the age. Preschool; can be anywhere from 2-5 and you know that can make  a big difference with what activity.

  4. preschool is really fun u don't have to study that much. when i was in kidergarden we used to play and learn abcd that's it

  5. Color and cut pictures that begin with the letter, L. Make a mural of all the pictures so when you practice saying the sound you can also say on the "L' words on the wall. Make cardboard L's and have them paste L items onto the L's either cut out L word pictures or manipulative's such as Lima Beans, lollipops, licorice, laces etc.

    Read a story and have the kids raise their hand whenever they hear an L word. Have them trace the letter L or trace the name of the L words that go with their L pictures. Use a variety of pictures and have them sort the L words and the non- L words into different piles. Play picture bingo with L words. Have them come up with something they Like that starts with an L depending on the children they can trace the sentence, copy the sentence or just have them fill in the Ls in the sentence.

    Good luck.

  6. how old are these children going to be??? Actual physical act of writing should not be forced on children younger than 5yrs old. At the most you should maybe allow the children to trace with their fingers pre-cut letters of different types of materials.....felt, sandpaper, wood, paper, etc,,,,,,also these children younger than 5 will most likely not even know what a letter is let alone and "L"......maybe better to even  make a fun project like build a lion, or saying words that have the "L" sound.....or a story that has lots of "L" sounds in it

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