
Any ideas for a thank you gift?

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What is an appropriate gift to say thank you to a stylist for cutting my hair for free?

Here's a little bit of background information. She's probably in her late 30's and is the owner of this very cute and trendy salon that my boyfriends mom works at. She always makes time to fit me in and does a great job... but she won't accept money from me.

I'm meeting her right after work.. so I wanted to stop and get her something on my lunch break. The only places to really do some quick shopping are the grocery store and Walmart.

Any advice for an inexpensive but thoughtful gift that I can pick up on my lunch break? :)





  1. I would give her some cash so next time someone who can't afford or who you want to have a special hair cut done will have the means to provide.  That way at least you would feel good that in some way you paid her with someone else.  Oh yes, some flowers will always brighten anyone's day.

  2. Well if she insists on not taking money from you don't try to force cash down her throat.

    Flowers and chocolate aren't really appropriate I think. How about inviting her out to lunch sometime on you?

  3. A nice bunch of flowers?? - Not very original - but probably quite a safe bet!!

  4. I agree with Topaz....treat her to lunch or maybe even give her a gift card to a cool restaurant.  

    Flowers would be good only if you get her a nice vase or something because flowers DIE

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