
Any ideas for a three course dinner for 7?

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I am having people round on Saturday. I was thinking of having a beef stew with cabbage and?

Any Ideas for a starter and desert




  1. garlic mushrooms and fruit cheesecake

  2. As its such a heavy main course i would suggest something light for the first course like a melon slice with parma ham or pate on melba toast and for desert something not to rich like a fruit sorbet or if you want to go all out sticky toffee pudding with clotted cream that will be sure to get your guests full and satisfied.

  3. Starter -

    Overnight put some large king prawns in a marinade of mild olive oil, a dssert spoon of soy sauce, a teaspoon of grated ginger, one chopped chili, one desert spoonful sherry, juice of 2 limes, zest of 2 limes.

    Next day, put this into 'little gem' lettuce leaves (if you don't have Little Gems, they are really tiny lettuce).  You can garnish with chopped avocado.

    Sounds faffy but as it's mainly marinading and prep takes only a few mins it's really easy.


    With the stew and cabbage I'd make mashed potato and a few herby dumplings.

    For dessert, something light like a lemon tart or lemon roulade?

    Have fun!

  4. with a heavy main course i'd do a ligt starter and pud. I also tend to do two starters and two puds - but that's just me.

    Light starters

    A fish pate - salmon or mackeral, a tomato salad (slice up some beef tomatoes and pour over a dressing), green salad, a selection of olives, feta cheese and antipasti.


    ice cream, fruit salad (home made), chocolate mouse (pick a light whipped recipe not dark chocolate and egg) meringues or cheese selection.

  5. The main is quite hearty so how about a soup to start (can be made in advance and heated) mashed potato with the main, and for dessert fruit crumble and custard. Or if you melt a Toblerone and mix it with fresh double cream (it get's very stiff when adding cold cream to warm/hot Toblerone but keep mixing), pour into shot glasses and put into fridge to set. Quick, easy and very rich. Have a lovely evening, I hope someone else does the washing up/loads the dishwasher.

  6. starter i would do baked goats cheese with tomato, pesto and balsamic on bruschetta

    Dessert- Shop bought Tarte au Citron with clotted cream.

  7. vol au vonts with mushroom sauce for starterf

    fruit flan apple or rubhard pie for desert  the pie can be made the day before less work for you

  8. Always worth starting with prawn cocktail, most people like that. Then i would finish with a choice of Strawberry cheesecake with vanilla ice cream or a steam pudding with syrup. With the latter you could offer custard but i feel that would spoil the taste. Alternatively for pudding you could get some of the frozen mini eclairs, very nice and enjoyed by most.

  9. hope your meal was a success as you only have 3 hrs to decide and you will be well under way for the ideas enjoy your evening

  10. Starter, maybe soup or garlic mushrooms on very thin toast.

    Pud: Choc mousse or german cheesecake(lidl or aldi) served warm with cream yum. Or rhubarb fool (boil rhubarb,cool and mix in with some custard and cream.

    Local cheese and crackers and grapes

  11. how about making your own brie and cranberry parcels.

    you need filo pastry, brie and jar cranberry sauce.

    take a few sheets of filo and put a bit of brie and a tsp of cranberry fold them into square or triangle parcels and wash with egg just a little(it is optional) then bake til golden brown. mmm

    mains roast beef or chicken with trimmings

    and a nice cheesecake for dessert.

  12. A nice, crisp green salad with Balsamic Vignarette dressing  .... and a light dessert too:


    1 pt. heavy whipping cream

    1/2 c. sugar

    juice of 4 lemons

    zest of 2-4 lemons

    2 TB. sweetened, condensed milk

    8-10 fresh whole strawberries

          Beat all ingredients (except strawberries) until very thick, in well-chilled bowl.  Divide between 8-10 parfait dishes, and garnish with whole strawberry.  Chill until ready to serve

    Oh...and don't forget to have some biscuits!  People like to sop up the good gravy from the stew with biscuits:)

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