
Any ideas for an amazing way to make an entrance?

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I've got my Diner & Dance (School prom, school ball etc..) coming up soon but how can I arrive?

I want to be in a really nice vehicle that's different but amazing.

What can I arrive in and where can I hire it from?

Nothing that other people will have (Limo, Hummer) something new

and nothing like a tractor, fire-engine policecar or alike.





  1. Limo, Hummer, Fire Engine - all old hat.

    Hire a garbage truck and i can guarantee you will make an impression!

  2. Tamdem, make your date cycle and sit side saddle. Cheap but very romantic, daisy, daisy.............

  3. interesting, if your really looking for attention, well you can't go wrong with the good old city public transportation system. The BUS, that will get all the eyes at you and be original as well!!! Come on, how many people show us at the porm in a BUS?? Try a motorcycle or GIXXER 750, um..UPS Truck, Fedex Truck, Purolator, umm...oh, well you can rent a horse with a cart and show up in classic style a western theme! Just be creative and remember, be different...dont let others laugh and tease you just because you can think outside of the box and they can't! Good Luck & Have FUN!

  4. Helicopter? Harley Davidson?

  5. A white horse.

  6. Unicycle  

    Dont forget your trouser clips !!

  7. a sport bike would be great, but limos are great like it or not

  8. my boyfriend and I went to my Senior Prom in his nice black Z28 Camaro, with great sounding exhaust, t-tops...the whole thing. It was amazing, and a lot of people loved it!

    all you have to do is see if anyone you know has a nice sports car that you can borrow for the night.

  9. find a person that has a nice older(30s 40s) Cadillac or Lincoln, somthign fancy and ask if he would be willing to chauffer you.  Its not your average everyday car and most people than own them love to drive them

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