
Any ideas for birthday party games for children 10-16??

by Guest34501  |  earlier

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could you also give the general rules and guidelines for the games...

n links to sites will also be appreciated...





  1. Oh goodness! If you live in the country, or can have the party at a location with a huge yard, I suggest having a "Kick the Can" party.

    The game is played at night, and everyone wears dark clothing. You get a coffee can and paint it with glow-in-the-dark paint, or cover it in stickers that glow. Divide the group up... have a few people that are hiders and a few that are seekers. Put the can in an area near the front porch, so that an adult can watch and see when the can is kicked. Also, the light from your porch will help make this area more visible. Have the "hiders" go hide and after a few minutes send out the "seekers". The goal of the game is for the "hiders" to kick the can before the "seekers" can tag them. If someone gets tagged, they have to sit on the porch. When I was in jr high, we played this at a youth group party. It was lots of fun.

    Good luck with your party!

  2. i dont know what its called but you get to chairs and 8 plastic cup. then you pick 2 people and blind fold them. everyone els makes a big circule and the 2 chairs are placed randomely also place the cups randomly aswell. now this is the fun part. the 2 children you blind folded you have to spin them around the circul and place them in a chair. all they have to do is get   4 cups and put it on the legs of the chair and sit on the chair. if they put the cups on the other chair and sits on it the other person still wins. if they put a cup on the chair and leave it and the other person gets all the other cups on there they still win. they can steal cups from the other chair (it funny because they can steal cups from their own chair.) also the children around them can help by shouting out where the cups are  and give them gentel pushes in the right direction this couses more fun.  it is better to have boy vs girl to couse compition but it still works if it is boy vs boy.

  3. yep.

  4. this is an indian game called "antakshari" if you love music.

    Lets say you divide the people into teams A,B,C....

    Any one team chosen to start the game sings a song,

    (from the starting, and one complete verse, THIS IS A RULE !! no single lines or 3-4 words :D )

    eg team A sings..."every night in my dreams, i see you.. i feel you, that is how i know you.. go on

    I have crossed the distance and spaces between us, you have come to show you go ON"

    now they stop.

    Team B is supposed to sing a new song starting from a syllable from which the previous song ended (in this case its th sound "N")

    Team B - "Na na na ..blah blah ( some song from "N")"

    and it continues.

    A team can end their song at any valid point like end of verse or end of paragraph, where they think the next team may not be able to come up with a song with that Syllable .

    A team unable to guess has to lose the points and pass the syllable to next team :)

    Modify the game,create you own rules, i have given you the base:) Hope u like music, u will enjoy it alot !!!

    and yes.. "PLAY FAIR ":D

  5. passing the parcel

    musical chair

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