
Any ideas for entertainment on a long plane journey?

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I'm going on a 10 hour flight next week, and will be seriously bored. Any ideas for entertainment?




  1. Depending on which airline and aircraft type you're traveling on, you might have a seatback video system that allows you to choose from an electronic audio/video library. Some airlines' systems even have games you can play.

    If it's a daylight flight, you can pack along some books and magazines. These could turn out to be less useful on an overnight flight, as keeping a reading light on might make it difficult for your seatmate to sleep.

  2. Deffinetly bring a ipod if you have one also it might be worth investing in a portable dvd player, hopefully the airline has individual tvs in each seat most do not but those few airlines that do are most deffinetly my favorite.....also some puzzles like sudoku and cross world puzzles can be fun things that help the time go bye, or a book or some magazines. My also recommendation is byeing some sleeping pills that will help you sleep while on the flight, or stayup for along time before the flight so that you are just so tired you go right to sleep, i have had to do that in the past when i went to europe, also if you want to sleep deffinetly bring a pillow and blanket so you can sleep without being cold or uncomfortable(planes have cold drafts frequently)

    Well i hope all of my suggestions helped and have a great flight and trip!!!!!

  3. Wow!  That'll be a pretty long flight!  Some of the things I think you should bring is food, deffinately, chips, cookies, or some candy, because that will occupy you!!!  earphones, or headphones if the movie on the plane is good, or if you have an mp3 player.  Crosswords, or word searches are pretty fun....Another thing that would help is if you sleep for a few hours too!  Have fun whereever you're going!  Hope this helped!

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