
Any ideas for home security?

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I have an elderly neighbor that lives alone. She is afraid of someone breaking in. We live in a well lit, gated community, but still....she is afraid. Are there any inexpensive gadgets or ideas to put on windows or doors? Maybe something that would chime or something?!? Just a little something to ease her mind. I'm more than positive no one would be crazy enough to mess with our homes.




  1. giving a gun to an old lady might not be the best  idea, i saw a security camera at bestbuy for 75$ that you can place by the front or back doors, or both, it connects to your home network so u can view what it is seeing on the computer. If you don't know how to set it up, I'd recommend getting some help from an IT or even geek squad.

  2. i'm not sure, but i used this site once i am looking for anything about gadgets. just search it there and you will find some answers. goodluck

  3. get the services of a home security company and/or a gun

  4. there are inexpensive door and window alarms out there. they work on the basis that when the connection between window and sill is breached it will emit a loud bleep!. i got these installed for my grandfather in the uk and they make him fell safer. you can also get them in a a alarm set that is controlled from a central panel no wiring needed

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