
Any ideas for improvement?

by  |  earlier

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hi there. im the owner of the site ( ). please take a look and give me any suggestions on how it can be improved. oh and please tell me of any spelling mistakes because the web designer im using does no have a spell check! lol please be honest lol thanks alot. Alan




  1. Needs more colour. Make it more attractive. Only thing i could come up with. Hope it helped

  2. definitely more colour I agree

  3. No, it's fantastic! Does what it says on the tin. Does need a bit more colour though. Maybe have some photos or videos showing how they're done ( then maybe you could link it through Youtube under graffiti). Well done it's really great for a start out. Good luck with your future.

  4. you need a different colour scheem to make the site seem bright and inviting. right now it look a bit drab.

  5. There are positive aspects,however i think your searching for what needs to happen for it to be improved.

    Its clear the person you are using is not a web designer,page is very dull,with nothing to catch your audiences attention-slogan maybe.Artistically poor,commercially of negative impact (dont know what your selling at a glance!customers attention needs to be grabbed whithin the first second,ortwise they are lost

    What is also clear (or comes across)is your business is a flegling one,which maybe true,but does not install consumer confidence.Rethink big time.!!!!!!!!!!!

    what is right is youve had the acumen to survey opinion.Maybe ask yourself-would you buy any thing from this site?good luck with your business, and sorry if ive come across brutally honest

    new comment-Alan,no advertising is better than unproffesional on the cheap advertising.Your advertising reflects your product.Doesnt your product,your business and especially your future customers deserve something better than whats on show now?

  6. firstly i see you are using office live (presumably basics). do you have a web designer for this? it's very simple to do yourself with easy-to-use design tools!

    I have used office live myself for both my web sites and did this fairly easily with no prior web design knowledge.

    your content is good, the pictures load quickly, the whole site is easy to navigate and i can see straight away what the site is about, and what it's selling!

    I would suggest that you play around with the design more, ie colours and fonts of the menus, and on the contact page add a contact module to give a more professional feel.

    these 2 sites provide tips, tricks and advice on getting the best from office live:

    They have both been set up using office live so give you an idea of what can be done.

    Feel free to look at my 2 websites via my profile to give you some more ideas.

    For spell checking i view the webpage once created using firefox then copy the text into a word document which then highlights spelling and grammar issues straight away, i then edit the webpage. alternatively you could write the content in word then copy and paste into the webpage design tool.

    Make sure you add keywords/tags to each page to help with getting you in search engine results. it worked for me within 2-3 weeks.

    Another good place to get advice on your site is via the office live community

    best of luck with your site and business! Rebecca

  7. You need to change your keywords. There are very few to start with.

    The keyword relevancy to page content is very poor. Search engines won't list your site in a good ranking because of this.

    There's no meta description tag either.

    When you've made the changes, put your homepage address into this meta tag analyser and read the results.

    Other meta tag analysers are available, and can give different results, but this one's pretty stable and gives a good average generally.

    It's not at all obvious from a first glance what the heck you are actually selling !  Quality with everything - sure - but what is everything?

    Your contact us page has your full postal address on it. Not sure if this is wise when working from home. A submission form running in a cgi-bin would be safer. Also, I'm sure the first line of your address should have capital letters for the street name !

    Your full email address is also present, and easily harvestable by a bot. Prepare to be inundated with SPAM !! You need to make some efforts to hide that (again - a submission form would be best) or at the very least, break up your email address such as "alan  AT"  etc, Dont make it easy for the spammers.

    Oh - and some bright colours as everyone else has mentioned - definately.

    Good luck with your venture.

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