
Any ideas for keeping close to 400 DVD disks at home in an organized way?

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would love to hear about how folks are managing their dvd collection in an organized manner.




  1. Buy four case logic 100 dvd/cd case and throw them in there by alphabetical order.

  2. I'll be keeping an eye on this question as I have the same problem. I've been looking into books to store them in, but I would like to have the title page or front cover with all of them and there is no one that offers that. If yo search on the Internet there is a couple of sites that specialize in media storage. Many of the units they offer are big enough to hold 500 but the price and size doesn't fit what I'm looking for.

  3. Here is what I did. I put all my DVD's into a DVD Magazine. On the magazine sleeves, I placed small stickers with numbers on it. Starting with 1 label all the DVD's. Then on Excel I created a spreadsheet with the name of the movie, and the number sleeve it sits in. I then sorted the spreadsheet by ABC order. This way if I need a movie, I find it on the list, and go to that number. Also, when I get new movie I dont have to rearrange anything, its just added to the list.

  4. I had the same problem a year ago. I have about 550 dvds and had a couple stands that I kep them on. I also bout these dvs fabric boxes from IKEA that I slip underneath the tv stand. Each stand holds about 80 dvds and boxes hold about 30. What I plan to do in the future is create a library where I have shelves, novel idea right?

    It is more important to catologue your collection. I have started to number them in an excel sheet and a colored label so that I dont buy dups. Alpha order is ok to start but in a rack situation like mine it doesnt work because I would have to "shift" my collection everytime I buy a new dvd. You can sort in the excel sheet and do some great things with it. I also have it uploaded in my blackberry so that I can check my collection before buying a new one. I know Im a nerd. lol.

    This will take some time but so it in sections, 50 at a time a week and before you know it you will be done in a couple months. Worked for me.

  5. bookcases.  that's about it.  just make sure you are very organized.

  6. If you have kids, you can't.  I have arranged mine 3 times in 3 years, the kids come over and just sort thru and never put them back right.  I surrendered.

  7. SONY 400 DVD CHANGER - it was a pain to enter most of the movies manually, but once it was done - I love it!

  8. I have over 1000 DVD collections and I use two of these;

  9. I found several three shelf bookcases for a good price and have them along one wall in my HT. My approximately 450 DVDs are on the shelves filed alphabetically.

    I don't catalogue per se, but I use the "my movies" feature of to keep track of what I have. I find most stores I use have internet access and so I can check whether I have a particular disk (and check reviews) before I buy.

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