
Any ideas for my daughters 3rd birthday party?

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ok my daugther has a lot of girl cousins and boy cousins as well boy/girl friends, so i need a good theme that isnt too girly and not too boyish. we have already had a party at the park but i was thinking of at home.

so i need some ideas on a theme? and ideas and games to play along with food to serve!





  1. A really, really scary metal band that eats live rats on stage and a bed made of barbed wire with loads of blood and stuff and a cake in the shape of simon cowell and a clown.

    just kidding.

  2. how about a luau party..... get a couple blow up pools and decorations and hula skirts and hats for the boys. We just had our 3rd annual luau party and camp out my girl is 8 years old now. The hula skirts still fit 3-10 year olds ;-)

    You could have water baloons and sprinkler to keep the kids entertained.

    Make inventations in a bottle and play hot potatoe with a cocanut and beach blanket musical chairs.

  3. How about a fairies for the girls and a gnomes for the boys.

    Here is a website with tons of games to play at a party with the kids:

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