
Any ideas for waiting in line entertainment at a amusement park?

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Any ideas for waiting in line entertainment at a amusement park?




  1. people watching is always fun!

    You can play I spy and 20 questions too.

    Or bring an ipod if you're by yourself.

    Or keep food in a backpack or something.

  2. Nintendo DS or PSP

  3. laugh and joke with friends bring pocketable items to play with. such as a yoyo or something.

  4. We play the alphabet game by using the other people in line's t shirts.  You have to find a word on a tshirt that starts w/ A then B and so on... first to Z wins.  Yep there's always a Q and Z somewhere.  .it's pretty fun actually and other people in line will notice what you're doing and they'll start playing too.

  5. a few things I do

    Check out the lovely ladies. So many beautiful girls in the world just makes the time fly.

    Save some stories for the line. Got an amazing funny story no one has ever heard? Tell it right here to make the time fly.

    avoid the ipods,psps,nintendo ds

    If you lose these on the ride you will be mad forever.

    or just take this time to drink alot of water nothing worse then passing out over something as simple as drinking water

  6. ha play jokes on the other ppl in line or make up lil games wit ur frends

  7. express passes? lol

    or be handicapped...that works too.

    just have fun with your friends and enjoy it the best possible. watch the people on the current ride and make fun of them!

  8. Try 20 questions, I spy, or, my personal favorite, make-fun-of-everyone-you-see-about-every...

  9. I've seen people play cards and toss beach balls around in the waiting line for Maverick. I like to watch the coaster too.

    My phone has a camera and an mp3 player so I used to text, take photos and listen to music while I waited.. but I almost lost my phone on the Raptor at Cedar Point, so I either leave it in a locker or in the car.

  10. twiddle your thumbs


    serious now.

    watch the ride

    watch other rides around there

    think of other rides you want to go on

    text your friends

    ipod (if you wanna bring it)

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