
Any ideas for writing wedding speech?

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I am getting married in a little over a month, and my fiance and I are starting to look into our speeches. We would like to thank everyone for attending, and for the gifts and such, however we are slightly stuck for ideas for the opening and whether it shoule be funny, or serious... or? If anyone has any writing tips or websites that could be of use I would really appreciate it!




  1. All you need to recall is-

    1. how it all started

    2. Where you met

    3. Dating memories

    4.What you love about each other

    5. What you have in common

    all of the above and more, then spice it up with some funny stuff. Make it concise so it's not boring.

  2. If you're not overwhelmed with feelings and inspiration due to the coming arrival of your big deal......maybe it's not such a big deal.  You sure you wanna get married?

  3. Excellent question. It all depends on your style of writing. I will only advise you on words that are favorable and those not. Terms like happiness, love, cherish, forever etc. all to be included if not considered for the blessed event. I would avoid other phrases and words like c*nt, hate the b*tch, heart breaker, sl*t, ruined my life etc. which can all be used in the divorce. Good luck and congratulations.  

  4. Well, above all else, make it short. No one wants to stand around and listen to a speech for very long. :) Just very briefly state that you're grateful for their presence--and their presents!--here with you on your special day, it means a lot to you to start your new life together with the blessing of so many friends and family. And that's about all you have to say.

  5. there are great websites.

  6. I think its much more meaningful when the wed couple personally thanks everyone together as a couple instead of giving speeches. The best man and maybe the bride's father are the only ones that should be giving a speech. Every time someone else gives a speech it takes away from the specialness of getting to make one. Besides, the ceremony is for you guys, the reception/party is for everyone else. Also, traditionally, its common for guests to gift you cash when you personally thank them.

  7. If you are an outgoing person say something funny. be yourself and all your family and friends will know that it came form you. Dont worry you will so do the right thing! Good luck!

  8. It depends on your personalitys if you are funny make it funny! Otherwise it can be heartfelt, thank them for sharing in the beginning of your life, your future etc

  9. The speech(es) should be a reflection of your personalities - if you are serious people make it serious, if you're funny people make it funny - try writing out individiually what you'd like to say then sit together and compare notes.

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