
Any ideas how to get first class flight upgrade without paying, I fly in two days time?

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I fly to Jamaica in two days time and wondered if anyone has a good idea or something they know works to get upgraded to first class without paying




  1. Almost impossible. They'll only upgrade you if economy is over booked and then they'll give upgrades to members of the frequent flyer scheme first.

    Don't embarrass yourself by asking for an upgrade, you won't get it.

    Why won't you pay for an upgrade?

  2. If your going to Jamaica on business and your company is to cheap to pay first class travel coach......if your going to Jamaica on vacation and can't afford first class and don't want to fly coach stay home.....easy.....

  3. If you are not a regular flyer with that airline, no chance, especially if you have bought a coach ticket.

  4. Hi there I work for BA in check in the best way is don't ask, you have to imagine our job on a day to day basis and generally its the first thing that comes out of peoples mouths before they even acknowledge you existence on a desk, also the amount of times a day we get asked. I could retire a rich person if i charged for every time I get asked the question. However if the airline needs to do upgrades to fill the aircraft we generally look at our most valued customers and top frequent flyer's. then if the check in agent thinks you are a perfect candidate then you may be lucky in getting one. Whatever you do don't be pushy and keep on at the agent, don't use the i suffer from any illnesses, bad backs bad legs I'm pregnant we have heard all the usual excuses and stories we know all the text book ones. Just be yourself be well dressed, you don't have to be suited and booted just smart enough to be recognised that you may be a perfect candidate for upgrade and you never know it could be you sitting in the nice seat.

    Best of luck and hope you get it

  5. Put on a good suit, shave properly and only carry a briefcase (or a small designer purpose built carry-on bag) as cabin baggage. If you look and sound the part, they'll bump you up.

  6. Its all about appearance and attitude, arrive on time, smartly dressed (business suit or similar works best, briefcase an optional extra) be polite and casualy remark to the check-in assistant about any available upgrades on your flight, its all down to luck if they have any free though.  

  7. I don't really think it's possible! But you should try wearing a proper business suit and a tie. ;-)

  8. It's all about who you talk to and how you do it! Always be polite and Flexible; But it won't hurt to visit a "Frequent flyer Forum" they may be able to offer you tips and tricks that aren't that commanly known.

    Dressing the part - not only could upgrade you but possibly get you a seat in the business class. Airlines are more willing to upgrade if you "Fit in" with those that paid the extra money.

    If you bought a FULL FARE COACH ticket you can ASK for a first class seat. Many airlines have "A Fare Code" that automatically grants first class privileges, but you have to ask. (It cost much less than a first class ticket and is most likely non-refundable).

    If you booked with a travel agent, they can mark your reservation with a comment (such as OSI-other significant information). This indicates if you're a VIP or CEO of a big corporation. Airlines try to win more business away from their competition. An important decision maker flying on their airline could mean extra revenue for them., and try to win company accounts which can lead to free upgrades.

    Consider using frequent flyer points or status to upgrade; As long as seats are available. Each airline has set rules and conditions. The higher the status the better your chance of getting free upgrade (comfirmed days before the flight).

    Frequent flier miles upgrade - you can ask the ticket counter agent to please add a code to your ticket. This ensures the agent at the gate that you are eligible for an upgrade. It works if you have the right airline and you will need to know which code to use; each airline uses different codes for different situations that are independent of other carriers.

    If you were late; because of a competitor, they may try to give you a good impression of their airline especially after your bad experience with one of their competitors.

    Ask a flight attendant for an upgrade if you see an available seat. Use a legitimate reasons such as 1) an oversold flight. Most airlines try to overbook flights and hope that some passengers will not show. If there are more passengers than seats in coach your best change to be upgraded is to get assigned to a seat towards the front of the aircraft.

    A problem with your seat - If you cannot comfortably sit there, such as seat belt trouble, or seat malfunction; the flight attendant will try to find you another seat. If none are available in coach and space is available in first you will be moved to first class. This a very rare occurence (and you should never try to break your seat belt).

  9. Nothing is guaranteed but wearing a nice suit will help.

    ADD: To those that say getting an upgrade is impossible - bo***ocks! I was upgraded on my last trip to Naples. I didn't ask for it but as I was dressed for business and I guess Economy was full I was bumped up. I didn't even realise till I got to my seat. And no I am not a frequent flyer with BA. However, the chances of getting upgraded on a particular flight are slim - it's pretty random.

    P.S I notice that 3 people who said "no chance" are TCs. Just goes to show what a worthless award that is.

  10. if your flying with another person pretend yee just got married/ engaged.. look smart and act extra happy!

    good luck

  11. Upgrading without you simply paying is rare, unless you happen to be on a flight that is oversold in the economy cabin. Even then, the airline will mostly likely chose their most frequent fliers in economy to move up to first.

    I would just pay for it, or be happy in coach. Flight crews have seen every scam in the book to get up to first class. don't even bother. besides, jamaica is not that far (if you're coming from the US). It's not worth the bother.  

  12. Not possible.

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