
Any ideas how to get my child support?

by  |  earlier

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My son is almost 4 and I havent received a dime of child support. i got a court order when my son was 6 months old. hes been ordered to court but never shows up. they put a warrant for his arrest and when they caught him they gave him a signature bond (like idiots) and a new court date. He never shows up and now hes moved to pennsylvania and i live in ohio. i dont know what i can do or even the courts. he has the money which kills me. they according to his social security number he doesnt have a job and he does under the table. and he uses other identities. and he has no license in his name. its dumb very dumb. any one have any ideas? he owes me over $8000




  1. The gov't can legally garnish it out of his checking account if he has one. The children's Services can look that up using his social.

    My Deadbeat Dad owes my mom about $20,000 and I am 22 years old. They will catch him every now and then and she will radomly get a $300 check in the mail, but for the most part, same situation as you. Well, once he tries collecting Social Security, they will take it out of that!! Another idea: go to his mom and tell her what is going on, that might work!

    He is wrong and I am sorry.

    EDIT: The only thing left is to hire a private investigator. It is expensive and sometimes not even worth it. My mom has been chasing what my sperm donar owes her since i was 2 years old. I hope you can find him and take him for everything!! My husband thinks men like that deserve to wear a police tracking device, you know the one where they give to parolees?

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