
Any ideas of what I should eat before running........?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a vegetarian and I also run about 20 miles a week. Can anyone give me an idea of what I should be eating throughout the day so that ill have energy to run and also stick to a low fat vegetarian diet. A daily food plan would be cool.




  1. Bananas are a great runners food, their potassium will help your muscles. Also, a quick fix before you run: raisins, they're great to keep you going if you're feeling tired. Good luck!

  2. eat lots of seeds, nuts, and beans!

    good luck!

  3. hoping your not a vegan, low fat cottage cheese with pineapple is tasty.

  4. You don't eat meats right? Wild salmon is a great energy food cause of it's good fats and omega's. Pasta is FILLED with carbs, to fuel your runs.

    Be sure to take a daily vitamin as well.

    I also eat 2-3 bananas and drink some vitamin water before and after my run.

  5. not to much food or you'll get sick try beans or broccoli

  6. I came across this really helpful website...

    It says that you burn 100 calories for every mile you run. And the fact that you burn 2000 calories a week is a factor for your diet. It mentioned a 50-25-25 eating plan, which means 50% of your calories should come from carbs, 25 from protein and 25 from fat.

    Read through the rest of the article and you'll find specific food (servings and calorie estimate included) that you can include in your diet.

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