
Any ideas on a bedtime routine for 4 month?

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I was look for any ideas on a bedtime routine for my 4 1/2 month old son. Also any ideas on how to get him to sleep in crib as opposed to cradle ( which electronical moves back and forth) without alot of hastle and without me losing a ton of sleep Thank you




  1. sorry i dont think u will get much sleep when u do that. i know from personal experience all i can say is try giving the baby a bath and tell him a story and give a bottle before you put him in the crib. If he cries after that i know this sounds mean but let him cry. I had to do this with my oldest daughter and after maybe a week or two she got used to sleeping in the crib. i wouldnt let her cry for m ore than 15 mins but i would always check to make sure she was ok. Just know there will be alot of screaming until the baby is used to the new surroundings. Good luck. If you need anything please feel free to email me.

  2. unfortunately, qualifying any results with "without a lot of hassle and without me losing a ton of sleep" is probably too limiting.

    no matter what you do, you're gonna loose some sleep.  when my son was 3 months old, he was sleeping in a cradle (or my arms) right by my bed.  he was outgrowing the cradle, and was really cramping my husband and my sleeping arrangements...

    we moved him to the crib with the help of a battery powered mobile (not wind up) that also had lights that flashed.  we used that thing until he was about 6 or 7 months old, at which time he was sleeping well in his crib without any help.

    it took several weeks for him to make the transition, but we would turn most of the lights off and give him a bottle about 8 or 9 pm.  when he burped well, i'd lay him in the crib with a paci in the mouth and a blanket in his hand (he still sleeps with a blanket).  

    we have a video montitor, so i'd watch him after i left the room.  i'd let him cry for NO MORE than 5 minutes (or until his paci fell out).  then, i'd go in an pick him up and rock him in the rocking chair until he fell asleep, and then put him in the crib.  more often than not, he'd wake up when i laid him down.  however, he was already in that sleepy mode so he would only cry for a few moments.

    now, at 11 months, he is a great sleeper in his crib.  he still has a paci and a blanket, but he sleeps like a champ.  cries for a few moments (separation anxiety) then rolls over and drifts off to sleep.

    good luck, and i'd start this during a holiday weekend when you can take naps during the day!

  3. We started my little one on a bedtime routine when she was about 2 months and she still loves it.

    We start at about 7:15 or so.  She gets a bath, then she comes into the bed and gets a massage with creamy baby oil.  After that it's time for an overnight diaper and her sleeper (or t-shirt if we don't have the air conditioner on).  Then it's tickle time! That is by far her favorite part, she starts laughing as I am putting her diaper on :-)

    After that we read her bedtime book (Good Night Baby Monsters) and then get her nighttime bottle.  She gets her bottle while she watches Backyardigans (on Noggin starting at 8pm).  She is usually asleep by about 8:15.

    I don't really have any advice on how to get him to sleep in a crib.  My almost 7 month old has yet to sleep in her crib, she always sleeps in our bed or in her co-sleeper.

  4. We had our baby nap in his crib since we brought him home from the hospital- maybe you could start with naps in there for a week before moving him in there for the night?  He is still pretty young so I bet it won't be that bad, but I read between 2 and 3 months is the best time.  We moved our son into the crib at night at 10 weeks.  it's been harder on me than him-  I miss having him in the room!

  5. my first child...was like that i tried everything unfornately it was hard to try to even get him on a schedule when he was so use to doing what he was doing was hard trying to get him to take naps and go to bed at night...putting him in the crib...he cried and i had to just deal with it i couldnt come up with anything else...well i went on to have my 2nd and 3rd child and i told myself...nuhhhhh uhhhhh not going thru this again..well...from day one..after night feedings..i put them str8 in crib..and they never cried...and as much as i wanted to cuddle and hold them...i knew in the long run it would help...well they were so use to it now there 3 and 1 and i put my 3 year old in bed no problems what so ever he goes str8 to 1 year old girl...but her in the crib she will even say nite nite she wont cry or that i have more experience i would maybe try giving your son a bath b4 bedtime get him a routine...and then lay him in the crib give him something to grab his attention some lil toy or something...and rub his head...and just kinda sooth him..see if that works...may want to try getting one of those things to go above the crib or in it where it has alot of lights on it ...babies love that stuff my 3 year old son would just stare at it till he past out...basically since your son is so used to the back n forth movement you now have to think of other things to distract him in his new bed...Goodluck i know this probably didnt help much ...but i would try the lighting toys ...may work

  6.   I made the mistake of sleeping with my son until he hit 4 months.  After reading a million posts about how to get him to sleep in his crib I mixed and matched until I found the perfect fit and it worked great.  My sons bedtime was at 8 but we started getting ready at 7, I would bath him and put his pj's on then I would get a blanket and put it in the dryer so that it was really warm.  I would swaddle him in it.  I was always sure that I laid him down before he closed his eyes so that he would get used to soothing himself and going to sleep bhis selfelf . When he fused I would go into his room right away the first time, I would pick him up for a minute and talk to him is a soft tone.  then I would give him a kiss and lay him back down.  The next time I would let him fuss for 5 minute then comfort him for two minutes and I would continue to up the time by 5 minutes.  I will admit it was 3 days before he would put himself to bed.  But by 5 months my son was sleeping through the night without a peep.  I thought that was pretty good.

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