
Any ideas on an original way to propose?

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After dating for over a year my girlfriend and I have decided to get married. I am therefore looking for a unique but not too cheesy way to propose. I would appreciate any ideas.

Many thanks!




  1. get it printed on the side of a lorry and have it drive past when you are out for a walk.

  2. u just invite her to camdle light dinner nad directly propose her on knees with bouquet of roses.

  3. Buy her a dog and shave 'MARRY ME' into the dogs fur.

  4. I'm an artist working in pen & ink and I have a stall at Glastonbury festival selling my op-pop-art prints. A couple of years ago a guy commissioned me to do a portrait of him with the words 'I love you Kirstie, will you marry me?' hidden within. You can see the picture at  Look on the gallery page and click on the picture titled 'proposal'.

    I displayed the framed portrait on full view at my stall and he then made sure he walked by with his girlfriend. As soon as she saw the picture of him she was drawn in and as she got closer she could read the message. She burst into tears and accepted.

    They both popped in to see me this year and told me they got married last August so it worked a treat!

  5. My cousin proposed at midnight on new years eve/day.  As the fireworks started on a boat under the fireworks.

    They got married a few months ago.

    Good luck :D

  6. Well first you have to evaluate her personality. Is she the kind of girl that is shy and wouldn't like a public proposal? Or is she more outgoing and the type of person that would love that sort of thing?  If there is a hobby that the two of you really enjoy (such as football, hiking, etc) find a way to incorporate that into the proposal. The reason I say this is because lets say for example the two of you loved to go hiking together, if you were to maybe ahead of time set up a special area to propose to her at a place yall hike at often  a) she wouldn't expect it at all because it'd be just a common activity for the two of you and b) it'd be sentimental because it would show her that you took the extra time to incorporate something that was important to your relationship.

    But for actual ideas, I've always thought that scavenger hunt proposals were really sweet. Like maybe if you left her a note leaving her little hints to go places and at the last place you were there waiting for her with a ring.

    Just a few ideas, good luck!

  7. My fiance bought me a watch for christmas, and had "will you marry me" engraved on the back. It was lovely, because we're both not really into the whole mountains/hugging/bath/candle soppy thing, and i've always got something I can look back on and remember the moment

    It depends what kind of person she is and what she is into though.

  8. You said your girl and you have already decided, so what's the proposal all about?????

  9. relate it too her. e.g if she enjoys food, 'bake' her a cake with the ring in a special position and you give her that piece (make sure she uses a fork!). or maybe if she enjoys rock climbing you could put it in a big yellow box at the top of the easiest climb.

    As long as its about you and her then its fine, but try and make it more about her :D

  10. I proposed to my gf whilst swimming with dolphins on the florida keys.

    We had planned our holiday to the USA, and I had decided it was time to pop the question, and I also wanted to do it in an original way.

    I stumbled on a dolphin place in Key Largo. I had to call them (courtesy of the work phone of corse he he) to discuss the plans. They have a scheme already set up that you can do.

    they were absolutly brilliant and very discreet. My partner had no idea whatsoever.

    I was basically pused round in a circle with a dolphin on each foot holding a board which said on it 'will you marry me' The board is personalised and you get to keep it.

    It is a really nice touch and trust me, she will love it!!!It went down a storm with all the staff as well. Everyone was hoopin' and hollerin when she said yes.

    Not a very English thing, but it was nice.

    I also liked that they are a non-profit organisation and are privately owned, non some big corprate horrible thing.

  11. I heard of a man who took his girlfriend on a weekend away...just to the British coast...and then at night he suggested a walk on the beach...he had set up a little picninc in a sheltered area with rea lights (little candles) and champagne....and he proposed the sea and at night.

  12. is she afraid of heights, if not take her on a hot air balloon flight and propose there.  

  13. Take her up somewhere high up and have your friends lay on the ground and spell out MARRY ME.

  14. Waaaaaay too soon.

  15. My cousin took his girlfriend on the London Eye on Christmas Day and proposed right at the top.

    A friend at work went to Venice with her boyfriend, he took her on a gondola and proposed there.

    Someone I used to know rented a hotel room and filled the entire room with rose petals and balloons and proposed there.

    All of these would be very romantic. Hope this helps!

  16. need to date her for another year... HONEST.

  17. Original way to propose, would be to really mean it these days.

    That you really love her so much that it is not a matter of being able to live with her, but that you can't live without her.

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