
Any ideas on fun activities/trips to take my 2 year old to?

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I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and feel as if most days are spent whiling away the time. We live in quite a small town about 1 1/2 hours from London and I feel as though I have exhausted all possible avenues. I really want to get involved with fun activities or trips, as we're both energetic and get bored easily. If anyone has any great ideas let me know! Thanks a lot x




  1. I don't live in London or anywhere near Europe but if there are any touch and feel child experiences museum you could go to that! We have those here in the USA that our schools go to for field trips when we're in kindergarten and stuff. Some other fun trips are the zoo, a dog breeder's house for a little while, and maybe a kids water park that has no deep water where she could drown!!! Hope I helped! Please answer my question: Thanks!

  2. You could go on a nature walk, give her a bucket to collect items such as leaves, flowers etc, then have her glue then on paper when she gets home.

    You could take her to a lake (if any) and have her feed the ducks.

    A park. All kids love the park :)

    Fly a kite

    Go bike riding

    Have a picnic somewhere nice.

    A farm or zoo

    Police/fire station. They usually are happy for a child to come in and have a look around (have to call first to make an appointment with them)

  3. Although my 15month daughter loves the park, going swimming and day trips out, I find that we make most fun with everyday activities as she loves to feel like she is helping and to imitate what I do. For example she loves the washing machine and hanging out the clothes as she loves the colourful pegs. I know you might think it is a bit dull but we both have fun, and it means I can stay on top of things. Just a thought as your daughter will probably have fun doing anything just as long as you are with her :)

  4. I think your best bet is to take her to something YOU enjoy.  She will have fun no matter what if you are having fun and including her in your joy.  

    I might get a lot of thumbs down for saying this, but I think more parents need to give their children an example of enjoying themselves rather than following the kids around to do what we think they should like.  I learned more by being a 3rd wheel on my parents vacations that they took for their sake than I ever would have if they had followed ME to Disneyworld.

  5. Hi!  I'm a SAHM from Herts, and have to find lots to do with my 15 month old !  

    Try a day out to a local farm, soft play centre, feed the ducks in the park, a picnic (take a teddy!), swimming, local libraries usually do music groups and story times which are free of charge.

    At home, try doing some craft activities, drawing and painting, kids love it!  My little one has been drawing on black paper with chalks today, it's the simple ideas they love the most!  Cornflour play is always a hit as well, just mix water with cornflour and let them make a mess!  It'll wash out of clothes easily.

    Have fun!!

  6. Is there  a soft play area near you? what about the zoo? you can both talk about the animals there and take a picnic.... we are taking out kids to blackpool zoo on wednesday they are soooooo excited lol......

    have fun

  7. Are there any zoo's, parks or anything where you can go learn about a certain animal or bug?

    Maybe take just a simple walk and then find everything that's green, or brown.  Simple things that a 2 year old might know.

    You might find it interesting her reaction at an art museum.  if you go during the day, there will probably not be many patrons, so the place may be yours.  no touching though!

    Have you thought about collecting things that she can pick up too, like leaves?  She may enjoy looking over your collection in a scrapbook someday.

  8. I don't know what options there are around you, but my son will happily throw sticks in the nearby lake and wade in the water for hours. He is out in fresh air, happy, and completely exhausted by his nap time. Just an idea.

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