
Any ideas on how a landscaping company can "go green"?

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This is a small locally based landscaping business that provids mowing, trimming, landscape design, and snow removal. We want to slowly start going green. So besides recycling we haven't really done much else. We can not afford to switch mowers or trucks over to fuel effeciant just yet. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




  1. You can replace the blades on your mowers with "mulching" blades.  Then you can take the bag off the back of the mower and let the cut grass stay on the lawn.  It helps reduce the amount of water needed, "feeds" the ground, AND you don't have to bag up the grass!!!  Saves you money on bags and it doesn't go into the landfill!!  Easy-peasey.  We did it on our home mower and its not expensive to change the blade.

  2. If you use pesticides for weeds, I have learned that 70 proof vinegar works just as well if not better. You can even use regular white ditsilled vinegar but you have to discern how hardy the plant is.  Just add a few drops of liquid dish soap to the vinegar and spray it on the plant's leaves in full sun with no threat of rain.  It only takes a few hours (sometimes minutes) to kill the weeds and is not harmful to the environment. It will kill any plant it comes in contact with.  In some cases I have also noticed that I needed to pull the plant after it dies so it won't regennerate after a rain.  It will even work on willows.


  3. There are a lot of good ideas here. Natural fertilizers and organic pesticides should be your first step.  I’m so glad someone mention native plants. Also think about water usage. Rock gardens, low maintenance perennials, wind breaks in the north and shade in the west can make a BIG difference to a persons heating and cooling bill. Advertise it that way, Earth Friendly, low maintenance, Natural and Native.

    As far as designs go the more you learn about earth friendly landscaping the more you imagination will come up with. My hubby put french drains at the end of the roof gutters and now my bushes get watered and there is no puddle of water anywhere near the house.  If code allows it using gray water for more water hungry landscaping is a good idea. I’m thinking about it out my kitchen window using my kitchen sink water. I’m just worried about how hot the dishwasher water gets. It’s still in the concept stage. lol  When your ready to spend some money. Recharging your electrical equipment with solar panels is a good way to go.

    There are a lot of good sites out there, just keep looking and thanks for trying.


  4. 1) Replacing lawns with ground cover or xeriscaping? Not much income from mowing after this, but you could make a business installing and maintaining them.

    2) Green roof installation / maintenance.

    3) Offer impervious surface replacement for patios, driveways, etc.

    4) Integrated landscape design

    Could you give me some feedback on these ideas?  Do you think they would be practical and you could make money at it? Thanks.

  5. Use organic fertilizers instead of chemical based fertilizers.  At least provide it as a cost effective option for your customers.  Not everyone wants to go green, but giving them the option is a good start.  You can use it as a launching board to educate them as well.

    Encourage the planting of shade trees on your customers property to beautify, cut down on cooling costs, and reduce greenhouse gasses.

    The biggest bang for your buck would be advanced route planning.  Schedule your appointments in the same general area on the same day.  Grouping your customers up by geographic area and doing them on the same day will save fuel costs and time.

  6. If you use a leaf blower, please stop.  Those things produce more air pollution than cars.  You can get electric ones, but they have their own drawbacks.  A good, old fashioned broom is the greenest way to move trimmings and leaves.

  7. Aside from increasing the efficiency of your power equipment and reducing emission, the most beneficial think you can do is in your landscape design.

    By creating good landscape design you can actually help your clients save money on their utility costs, help them to implement natural rainwater harvesting so they can save time and not have to irrigate on a regular basis thereby saving water as well. The use of native plants is very important, because they often require no irrigation due to the fact that they are already adapted tot he local climate.

    If you are working in a hot humid climate, planting large deciduous tree on the southern and western sides of a home will help to reduce heat gain in the summer and as they loose their leaves in the winter they will allow the natural light and heat to warm the home.

    Of course organic fertilizers, and don't use cypress mulch because it comes from Louisiana's coats and the cypress tree are our last defense against hurricanes and they are being clear cut for mulch that goes into peoples yards.

    well thats all i have right now, hope it helps.

  8. I found many house owners either don't know about going green for their yard and landscaping or they can't find help locally. While you can't switch your power equipment to electric power or alternative energy source, yet you can do a lot still.

    1. Introducing organic program for your customers.

    2. Provide education materials (internet, seminars in spring and fall, etc.)

    3. provide organic mulch, fertilizer, etc. You could find there may not be anyone else doing it (no competition) where you are.

    4. Please mow the lawn at the right height or a bit higher. Many people mow their lawn way too low. And you probably know the benefits of keeping the grass higher - more draught resistant, etc.

  9. Only use organic fertilizer, use as many plants as you can that grow naturally in your area and that are drout tollerent, make compost out of any grass clippings and leaf removal, go back to push mowers or electric ones!  Good for you and thanks for helping out!

  10. Yes, go to sites like they have some awesome ideas for all types of green projects and you can try out

  11. Add insect colonies like lady bugs and preying mantis to use instead of pesticides. You are really in a position to be green more than many others. Remove weeds by hand so as not to use weed killer. Teach your customers that are interested in how to be green. If there is enough interest, teach the art of green gardening in your community. Composting is an inexpensive way to make your own mulch and green fertilizer. If you live in an area where there are frogs and you set up an environment for them to thrive (food, safety and a small breeding area) you can probably sell a few to gardeners who want to go green to eat insect pests. I once acquired a colony of tree frogs in a compost bin close to water. Aphids disappeared. My experience has been that doing one green thing leads to another and another like an unending chain of greenies. Good luck!

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