
Any ideas on how to amuse myself whilst keeping one leg elevated?

by  |  earlier

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have a plaster cast due to fracture in left leg ,need to elevate ,keeping myself interested and amused will be a challenge ,all ideas welcome .




  1. I have one, but  if  I post it they will ban me from yahoo answers.

  2. Since you are able to be on the computer--other than being here, you might consider some games in Pogo. I go there to play word and arcade games when I'm not here.  

  3. I found soduko very easy to learn and passed the time very quickly.

    Also it looks as if you found the computer so there is much to do on the internet.

    Thought the idea of reading and knitting to be good past-times as well.

    Movie marathons are great as well.. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, James Bond.. you get the idea.

    Maybe invite the grandkids over to watch them with you?

    I just ordered (and received the complete works of Jane Austin), you could read them all and then join a book club to discuss it with them.

    For the blind, you can read books aloud on cassette and donate them to a local site for the disabled..

    I am assuming you are from England or some British commonwealth..

    so i am just giving some all around ideas! :)

    Join some e-mail penpal sites..

    Well GOOD LUCK and hope you find some good ideas!

  4. You can pass the time by buying World of Warcraft (an online MMO game) and play it.

  5. Watch stuff on youtube. Order things online from Amazon, become an expert on Rubick's cube, write letters to all your friends, start writing your Christmas cards, organize your photo albums. make crafts with buttons, listen to music, follow the elections, play solitaire online, do stretching exercises of your moving parts.

  6. Read a book, listen to music, watch t.v, play a video game...knit, crochet, needle point...Good Luck!

  7.   Crocheting, make some dollie's

  8. become a super q/a player!!!

  9. Plug in a TV near you, start a knitting project (try string and large needles and make a "green" shopping bag;  get some good books from the library, start a stamp collection;   hand write some long over due letters.    Hope some of these will help you.  Sorry about your leg -hope you are up and around again very soon.  


  10. Books & word puzzles.  Maybe counted cross stitch.  Lots of TV. Hopefully a friend will come to play cribbage or something.

  11. Xmas  cards  are now on market, or  get out yours.  Start addressing.

    Get that box of  pictures  organized.  Redo the  recipe  file.

      Hope your  better  soon.  

  12. yahoo answers! you can send me messages i am free.

  13. Now is the perfect time for doing crafts - scrapbooking - or Knitting scarves etc. for Christmas ! ! !

    Might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone . . . . .

  14. Start your Christmas cards, if you celebrate Christmas.

  15. Sorry to hear about you being laid up,  keep wriggling those toes.  And tighten those glutes... I sure you know all those little non-ambulant persons exercises.

    Now in answer to your question :

    Ha ha...................and you don't need to spend any money..........

  16. I was gonna say the same thing as "Old f**t" and thought the same thing!!!  Well, you may as well find a wire hanger and a pair of pliers and twist off the hook and get ready to run it down your cast to SCRATCH!!!!  My girfriend had a cast on her leg and when they cut it off it was really hairy so be sure you got some razors!!!

  17. Never tried that one.Must get my kama sutra out again.

  18. Hope you heal fast!

    Books, Crosswords, if you can sit outside and enjoy nature!

  19. I broke my leg six years ago.  Learning how to get around on crutches was one way I amused myself.  The trips to and from the bathroom took up a big part of my day.  Then the danger-filled daily shower filled another hour or so with excitement.  Figuring out how to fix myself a simple meal or even get the milk jug from the refrigerator to the table took up the rest of the daylight hours.  At bed time I elevated the leg on pillows and woke up often enough to remind myself to sleep on my back.  Whew!  There was lots to do.  

    Sorry about subjecting you to my goofy sense of humor.  I was in quite a bit of pain with my broken leg and I'm sure you are too.  The other nice folks have given you some good suggestions on how to amuse yourself.  You have my sincere sympathy.

  20. Seems to me that you found your answer already!  You can spend your day on the internet!

  21. Well........just kind of look around at the scenery, that's what my dog does while hiking the leg.

    That's intended to humor you a little. That has got to be tough, I just got a cast removed from arm after only two weeks and my wife said I was a wimp in so many words. I couldn't stand it!  Actually though, interacting on the internet took my mind off it more than anything else. Good Luck with it.

  22. So many good suggestions above. Can I add starting a journal, writing letters or notes to people you've been meaning to get in touch with, going through your recipe box and clearing out what you don't use (or finding the one you misplaced), looking through old magazines to determine just why you have been saving them (I'm SO guilty of!).

    And when you're in here on Answers, and you've read and answered all the questions you're interested in, you can always go and vote on "undecided answers". Or read the members profiles....many are very witty and interesting, and they give you more of an understanding of the people we interact and "chat" with!

    So sorry about your injury and hope you'll be up and about again as soon as possible. Take good care.

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