
Any ideas on how to build an enclosure for turtles to bask in outside of tank?

by  |  earlier

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i want to build an area for turtles to bask like a little ramp coming out of the water . not sure what materials to use i need something that wont melt or burst into flames i have a 75 watt basking bulb. any suggestions or pics would be greatly appreciated my basking bulb keps getting water on it from filter and exploding into pieces.




  1. well turtles are animals that live in the water as well as on land. I would recommend you create a pond, big or small depending on how many turtles you want to have. They need fresh water and high rocks, maybe even a couple decorations from fish stores. I used to own two turtles, only inside, and i can tell you that they are handful creatures. I want to warn you that they will smell, and i also want to point out that you have to be VERY cautious about the climate. Turtles can die of overheating, so just be carful with that.

    If i were you i would contact some experts, like a petstore for amphibiens or reptiles, they will know more about them than Yahoo Answers do.


  2. On Youtube there is a very good video that someone made of there  tank setup with a ramp to an outside basking area.

    Go to Youtube.

    Type in "An ideal RES turtle tank setup"

    That should give you an idea.

  3. One of the Y!Aers used a box at one end of and above the tank as a basking area. I think he had a ramp leading up to it. One end of the box rested on the tank; the other was supported some other way. I guess you want the basking area at the opposite end from your filter.

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