
Any ideas on how to fatten up a baby a little? He's in the 20th percentile...?

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Concerning the dude who says "This is why America is Fat..." First of all, there is no such thing as an obese baby, especially not mine considering my question. Plus, his daddy is 6'4" and weighs 165 lbs., so this baby will never be "one of those" fat people. (And I'm 5'4" and weigh 130 lbs.-also normal) So don't be so crazily judgemental.

Also, he is 14 months, so he is already eating regular food. He really just seems so tiny, and I just want him to be strong and healthy.




  1. As long as he is growing well the 20th percentile is nothing to worry about. He may be a bit smaller than average, but don't worry as long as he is growing well. All babies are different. Being in the 20th percentile does not mean he is underweight. Unless your doctor is concerned, he probably does not need to be fattened up. Believe me, I see obese children all day, a fat baby does not always equal a healthy baby. And please do not put cereal in the bittles. It is like force feeding, and can make him lose his ability to know when he is full, leading to obesity later in life.

  2. I think that the 20th percentile is nothing to worry about.  I would not worry if I was you.  My son went from the 20th percentile to the 75th in 6 months.  I really noticed the change when he got off of baby food and started drinking whole milk.  You could always ask your Dr if you are worried.

  3. 20th % is fine as long as he continues to grow. My oldest daughter who is 6 now has always been at the 5th no reason to fatten him up

  4. Feed him more often?

  5. Are you nursing?  If so, your baby may be having trouble nursing and not getting as much to eat as you think.  My son was so tiny for about 5mos and he was always upset.  My dr. finally asked if I would be willing to put him on formula and I agreed to do anything I had to.  He gained 3lbs in the first 2 days!  He was like a new baby!  I thought we were doing ok nursing, but it turns out my poor baby was starving!

    The 20th percentile is not bad.  The important thing is to be consistant, if he used to be in the 50th and is suddenly in the 20th you need to worry.

  6. Don't encourage overeating...

  7. I wouldn't worry too much unless your doctor is concerned as well.  My daughter is only in the 10th percentile and is perfectly healthy - she's just petite - which she may always be since her father and I are both petite as well.

  8. My daughter has always been in the 20th percentile (height and weight)and she is 15 months old, but her head is in the 75th percentile- yea- that was hard labor! There is nothing wrong with your little one, he is just petite, for now. I was petite until I was like 5, then, I started growing. I am still a little short, but, I was overweight once I got older. So, just let him be, if he is hungry, feed him, if not, don't force him. He will grow into his body. No worries!

  9. pedia sure

  10. ask your dr..

    it depends on age of baby

    are you and the father small? petite? then your baby may be too

    ASk your dr about pediasure, putting cereal in bottles, special formula,

    If nursing maybe pump and add cereal to bottle



    Since your baby is 14 months and eating solids maybe try foods high in fat but healthy

    like avacado, whole yogurt,

    Although I've read that at this age they are often very busy and not so interested in food as exploring..... try offering more healthy snacks more often.....

    But then maybe your baby is normal for his growth

    My son is 18 months and looks so skinny next to his friends [similar age] but he is taller than them.

    Don't worry about winter... use layers of clothing and introduce warm milk or hot [warm, hehe]chocolate when it gets really cold

  11. Right...and this is why America is fat as h**l.

  12. How old is he? If he gets solid food, give him more "calorie dense" foods--a little ice cream, some extra fruit, some mashed potatoes...

  13. feed on demand esp. breastfeed  

  14. Hmm? Has the dr told you there is a problem? My daughter was in the 15th% percent and she is 2 now and only in the 25th%. I was told that my daughter was healthy even though she was so small. She had a healthy appetite for the most part. Is your baby long for his age? That is a factor. If you have a long baby then they usually are in a lower %. But to be on the safe side if you are worried if he still takes formula then add rice cereal to it. It keeps babys full longer but it is thicker and it will put some weight on him. If he takes real food then feed him whatever he wants. Anything that your baby will eat is better than nothing.  

  15. unless your doctor has expressed concern over the baby's weight and suggested that you encourage him to gain more, there is no need to worry about it. he may just be a bit on the small side, there is nothing wrong with that. you may actually introduce health problems if you try to "fatten him up". my daughter was always in the 10-15th percentile as an infant, but was healthy and hitting all her milestones, so my doctor advised me not to worry about it.

  16. Between my sons 2 months and 4 month check-up he dropped in percentile from 50 to 20. My doctor told me then to start giving him a little bit of cereal in the mornings which will help. I don't know how old your bub is but you could try it?

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