
Any ideas on how to find a family member I have lost touch with? I have searched the social network sites?

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Any ideas on how to find a family member I have lost touch with? I have searched the social network sites?




  1. try to scan nationwide then by state.

    call the library where he/she used to live and ask them to pull a cross reference on their street and get neighbors phone numbers - call them

    call old places of employment and try to get forwarding info

    go to blockbuster and convince (bribe) the guy behind the counter to look them up

    hire a professional skiptracer

    get a job at the IRS and look them up yourself

    place an ad on Craigslist

    are they rich - try doing a skiptrace with American Express.

  2. Ask your other family members - even if you haven't talked to them if years. Try and find them/their contact information, and see if they can help you track down the person you are missing. That's probably your best bet.

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