
Any ideas on how to get a prick that you work with to quit???????????

by  |  earlier

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I work at an office with a know it all prick. This is the same guy that just up and left about 4 months ago because he could not handle the pressure. Well now my boss has hired him back for some reason. How do I get this guy out of here with out loosing my job? any ideas? Just the thought of coming to work everyday with this prick is really getting to me............




  1. Tell your boss, he has autheritile

  2. It's one thing to leave yourself but to get someone else fired might not look good if your caught. Companies don't want "bad seeds".

    Maybe it's your boss who needs to pick up and leave for taking back someone who obviously couldn't handle the pressure before.

    If history repeats itself, just wait for him to quit again.

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