
Any ideas on how to get boyfriend to help clean around house?

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My boyfriend and I are considering getting married but I am having second thoughts because he is a total slob! He leaves his clothes all over the floor, leaves the toilet seat up and splashes pee everywhere, never makes the bed, and basically never cleans anything. I know better than to nag but when I explain to him why I would like him to help clean, he says that I am a neat freak and women are just biologically programmed to want to clean. In all fairness to him, he doesn't ask me to clean up after him, but I can't stand living in filth! (when I first moved in he had 1 inch of dust all over everything and said he last cleaned the floors 4 years ago!!). Anyway, he is a busy lawyer and we have talked about getting a maid, but that still will not solve some things like getting him to pick up his socks and underwear on a daily basis. I love him and want this to work but it is becoming a deal breaker for me. What should I do?




  1. either hide the remote or tell him that is the reward for cleaning everything up.

    I know it is childish but us guys have a childish nature.

    Any who it certainly would get me going.

  2. Hes not going to change so its something you either have to deal with or move on. He doesn't care if his house is a bit dirty so won't pick his stuff up. Don't pick his stuff up, if he eventually does it himself then tell him to keep doing it, but even if he agrees he will go back to his old ways after awhile. If he just leaves it there for weeks hes definitely not going to change. What more important to you - having a clean house and not staying with this guy or marrying this guy and having a dirty house?

  3. He is NOT going to either accept it or move on*

  4. My best suggestion would be to meet him half way- say you can leave the toilet seat up but you have to keep the pee under control - cuz really that's just nasty.

    Set up a convenient hamper for his socks /underwear. h**l if you have to get one of those kids basket ball hampers it might get the trick done.

    If it's really to the point where your considering not marrying him you Really have to either find some compromise or find a way to just deal with it.

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