Hubby lives in another state and is from another country and not that into checking out things like this. However, I rolled over part of his 401K into a CD and then borrowed against it. He hasn't been down here since last Christmas and plans on coming down in Sept. There is $2,500 left in the account. He does NOT want to take the money out of the bank, which is good since there isn't any HOWEVER he does want the interest on it, which isn't a big deal, that is there. He just wants to keep the money in the bank. I am working like crazy to put the money back which is hard when you're in a wheelchair. I am bi-polar and have a big time spending problem, needless to say. He wants to see a paper with how much interest, etc., we got on the $10,000. Please don't make jokes about this. I am serious and I know what I did was stupid. He is has a very bad temper and I've been stabbed twiced and had my nose broken from him in the past 25+ years together. He is easy to fool with paperwork