I live in a second floor apartment and I recently bought a motorcycle. I have a plain black cover on it, with a motorcycle lock as well. When not in use I lock the handel bars as well. In the past few days I have noticed, the first day: a man walked past, stopped, and checked out the bike and as he was walking away still looking at it...a couple days later two men and a woman stopped about 100 feet away from it, started talking, then walked past it, stopped at it and was checking it out, and the next day at 11:30 p.m. a crotch rocket came down the parking lot (I live at a dead end, so there is no reason for people to come down here unless you live here) stopped at the bike for about 30 seconds, checked it out, then drove off. Now to me, that's telling me something is up and people are looking to steal my bike or do something with it....any ideas on how to keep it safe. I was thinking about a camcorder up in my window and having it on all day or Lojack, but I can't afford that right now