
Any ideas on how to make money?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and i live in a small town all the businesses where i live only hire at 16.i need to find a way to get money.and i don't want to babysit.




  1. delivering newspapers,working in a candy store!

  2. you got to be willing to accept any job if rly want that money. you wont always be happy for what you are doing

    babysitting is alright money for what you are doing and looks good on a CV or resume

    get off your lazy ***

  3. http://cash (make sure u take out the space)

    Heres a tutorial

  4. Offer to cut the grass or do landscaping for a fee.  I pay $20.00 to have my lawn cut by the neighborhood kids.

  5. 5 ways to Make Money Without Starting Fee


  6. Maybe you can get those online jobs that do not require you to pay them anything upfront.

    See: if you are interested.

  7. "and i don't want to babysit."

    Then you don't want money that bad.

  8. Get a job for people from ur town

  9. You can make money in online. If you are interested in online jobs means then just visit

    You can earn from the above site for free

  10. Dog walking and sitting!!!! plus offer to wash them from time to time for an extra fee.

    Good Luck ;-)

  11. how about selling your parents stuff that you arent using?

  12. well i am 15 to all most 16 they thing is if you are ok with a hospital u can work there or you can walk around ppls pets see i coach soccer and ref to so i make money it is hared to find a job to fit us and that people will take us good luck

  13. you could try online surveys. they don't pay you that much but at least it's something.

    my favorite site is:

  14. maybe u could ask one of your neighbors if they need any work done around the house. thats one way to make money.

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