
Any ideas on how to make my turtles tank stay cleaner longer?

by Guest57886  |  earlier

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I have a semi aquatic map turtle and it seems like her water gets cloudy just a couple days after i change it. It's a 25 gallon tank and has a reptile filter for that size. Should i get a bigger fillter? Is there any fish i could put in to help get rid of the waste or maybe snails? I usually do have some ruby reds in there for her to eat....would she just eat the snails or no?




  1. Get a larger filter or even possibly just a larger tank too. She might just be too large for the current tank to sustain more than a few days.

  2. Map turtles are the ideal snail predators. Unless you have an essentially unlimited  supply of free snails, they will be eaten before they can do much good. A larger filter (50-gallon-rated or more) will help. Feeding the turtle in a different container might help too.

  3. a suckerrrr fish.

  4. no

  5. H, i had the same problem till i fixed it, you should get a bigger filter and if you have pebbles in there you should get a pebble cleaner, but What is easiest is to take out the turtle and put him in a separate tank/bowl for feeding cause as a turtle owner i know that as turtles eat they do there business at the same time. but you can put a couple of sucker fish in there to clean any particles (make sure the turtle won't eat it).

    -Good Luck

    - ...::*::...

  6. you can buy an algea eater fish and they will help but dont be suprised if the turtle eats it ....but if you have rocks at the bottom of your tank then thats why it is like that...(take the rocks out because they carry alot of algea, batteria, and other things

  7. Out of tank filters are the best and they work great for any size, but you need a nice place below the tank to keep them/ a cubboard or something. Fluval makes a great 3 stage reptile filter. I always go for twice the size of the tank so I don't need to clean it as often, and the bacterial filter bed in the Fluval stays good for much longer once it's established.

    it took a while to find so I included an example here. Go for the fluval 205.

  8. How about putting a couple of snails on the glass of the tank?

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